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Chiara's POV

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

No wonder these guys all looked so familiar, they're the guys Bella was frothing over a few days ago. She's going to have kittens when I tell her, which is why I'm currently speed-walking to my room.

I don't know how it didn't hit me sooner, they always seemed somewhat familiar. But I think Dad is some sort of billionaire so I just presumed I'd seen them on the telly or something. But no, and I didn't realise it was them until I saw a photo hanging in the living room. The exact photo Bella had shown me not that long ago, of all of them around the pool.

"Fuck the fuck off Chiara." Chase grumbles as he answers the group FaceTime call, and I quickly jump onto my bed and get comfy. I completely forgot about the timezone differences, so I feel a teeny bit bad for waking him up. And he looks less than impressed, his hair is all roughed up and his eyes aren't even open, he's still in bed.

"Why are you calling us at 6.30 in the morning? Is everything okay?" Bella's much more awake-looking face fills the other half of the screen, her blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She takes a big sip of her gross-looking green smoothie before worriedly looking over the screen. She's probably about to go for her morning run.

"Fuck, is it really that early for you guys? I'm so sorry." I say, wincing a little bit. I hate waking up early, but Chase hates it even more. If I were next to him right now, I wouldn't be alive for much longer. But Bella loves waking up early. It's disgusting.

"You should be sorry, inconsiderate bitch." Chase grumbles, opening his eyes to glare at me through the screen. It doesn't last long, he whacks his spare arm over his eyes, as if the screen is too bright for him right now.

"Ignore him, he's a whiny little bitch. Is everything okay? Do I need to book a flight to America?" Bella says, her eyes furrowing with worry.

"I'm a Bernardi." I blurt out. Bella immediately gets it, and a look of excitement and confusion washes over her face. Chase does move his arm from his face and opens his eyes. But he just looks confused, and extremely disappointed that I woke him up early for this.

"Holy. Fucking. Shitballs. You're kidding! You're like rich now!" Bella squeals excitedly, causing Chase to wince from the pain.

"Both of you, shut the fuck up. There's no need for squealing this early in the morning. And did you seriously wake me up at this time just for some stupid little last name reveal? Do you want me to send you a cake now?" Chase says sarcastically, and Bella rolls her eyes at his blandness.

"It's not about her last name dumbass, it's about who she's related to. Do you ever listen when I'm talking to you?" Bella snaps, glaring daggers into the screen. I'm smart enough to know that those daggers aren't meant for me, but are meant for the other blonde.

"Yeah, I listen. But I still have no fucking clue what you two are rattling on about." Chase grumbles, moving his body so he's sitting upright. He's even opened his eyes for us now and isn't even squinting.

"Dickwad, you remember Rocco Bernardi, the blonde guy I was showing you?" Bella says calmly. I can basically see her taking deep breaths, attempting not to snap at Chase. It might not seem like it, but she tends to have a short fuse. Especially when it comes to Chase and myself because apparently, we tend to be 'annoying'. Which is honestly bullshit.

"Ooooh, that Bernardi? So what? Chiara's cousins with him or something?" Chase asks, clearly confused. Which just makes Arabella groan, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. Gosh, I miss them.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now