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tw - mention of self harm and violence, very graphic mention of rape and sexual assault please be careful, there will be no warning before specific scenes. don't do anything you aren't comfortable with <3

Chiara's POV

"I still can't figure how you managed to pull Gracie though." I sigh, leaning back into the bean bag behind me. A less then impressed and slightly embarrassed Carlo glares at me from where his sitting on the couch above me. Milo who's sitting beside him, is trying not to laugh whilst focusing on the game they're playing. There's also a clueless Giovanni on the other side of Carlo, who has no idea what we're talking about.

"Fuck you." Carlo says, bringing his attention back to the screen.

"But like, she's absolutely gorgeous. And then there's you." I pout, and it distracts Carlo enough to make him die on the game. I'm kind of lying, he's not the worst looking person out there. If I wasn't related to him, I'd say he was decently handsome, but I am related to him which makes him ugly.

"Carlo you fucking idiot." Giovanni grunts, but Carlo's too busy glaring at me.

"You do realise we're twins, so we look similar." He says, giving me a disgusted look.

"Yeah, but I'm obviously the hotter twin. And I bet I could pull more girls than you." I say with an innocent smile on my face. We start a mini staring contest, but it's ruined when Enzo lets out an amused snort from the bean bag beside me. Then Bruno smacks him across the back of the head.

"We're eighteen now Enzo, we have to be mature." Bruno says poshly, and that just makes Enzo snort again and he gives Bruno the finger.

Right, as of a few days ago Bruno and Enzo are legal adults. I wouldn't say they're mentally adults, but apparently physically they are. They had a quiet birthday, woke up earlier than usual for presents. I got Bruno Red and Fearless (Taylor's Version) vinyls and CD's to replace the old ones he had. And then I got Bruno an ice hockey jersey Carlo said he'd like. They both seemed pleased with what I gave them.

They still had to go to school for the day, but made the decision to order Chinese for dinner. I made them a cake, and per Enzo's request, I made it look like a volcano. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure that was Enzo's favourite part of the day.

Bruno's favourite part of the day was being allowed to have Ava sleep over. One of Dad's rules was that no one was allowed to have someone of a romantic interest (as Tino explained it) in their room with their doors shut, or have them over for a sleepover until we're 18. This is the rule Tino has probably been the strictest on since Dad's passed, and Bruno made the most of being free from it. Quite literally.

It's safe to say Enzo and Carlo couldn't handle sleeping in their own rooms that night, they both ended up sleeping in mine.

I hate happy couples.

"Okay, but at least I can remember her name." He says glancing at Milo as he does. He's referring to the fact that Emilio can't remember the name of the girl he got with. Milo groans and sinks into his chair as Carlo brings it up.

"Fuck you, Carlo." He groans, rubbing his hands over his face out of frustration, clearly last Saturday night wasn't his favourite moment.

"Aw, touchy subject?" Giovanni pouts, now listening in on the conversation happening around him.

"Yes, I'm aware it's not my finest moment. Can we like, drop it?" Emilio groans again, and Carlo looks like he's about to say something back but Rocco waltzes into the room.

"Howdy losers." He says, Dre trailing slowly behind him on his phone. Rocco completely ignores everyone in the room, and starts walking straight to me. He picks me up out of the bean bag, sits down, and then cradles me like a baby in his lap.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now