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Rocco's POV

When I mentioned Chiara just not coming to the party, I initially said it as a joke. I'm fine with her going, I have no doubts that she's able to look after herself whatsoever.

But then she went off at me, and I did not see that coming.

"Here, let me give you a few ideas. Maybe because I'm just such a whore I won't be able to keep to myself at the party will I? Before you know it I'd go around and sleep with everyone of your mates huh?" She yells.

"Oo! I've got another one! You see, I might lose all the self control I have, and then I'll go get shit-faced drunk. And whilst I'm at it, I might as well go get high on whatever's available. Just like my mother hey?" She finishes. 

I don't think I've ever felt so guilty, I know that she got all of those ideas based off of things I've said to her in the past. It was a shitty thing to do, I mean, she's my little sister. And even though I'd never admit it, I really do love her.

Whilst she was going off at me, I was trying to stop myself from doing anything stupid, having anger issues doesn't really help with that. Even though it's not an excuse. I began clenching and unclenching my fists, it was a way that I calm myself down. It's something Tino taught me to do when I began getting into too many fights.

She notices me clenching and unclenching fists, she looks a little taken back. "Go on, I know you want to hit me. Do it, it's nothing I'm not used to." She spits at me.

I feel my stomach drop, my dinner is threatening to come back up my throat. I look down in my lap in embarrassment, I wasn't going to hit her. I couldn't do that, she my fucking sister. I feel tears pricking in my eyes and a massive lump rising in my throat.

I look back up, Chiara's disappeared from the room and there are some very angry eye's on me. Enzo's the first to say anything, "She's barely eaten, I'm gonna take her food up to her." He says, getting up and grabbing her bowl.

"No, I'll do it." Carlo says. Enzo closes his eyes and sucks in a deep breath, like he's trying not to lose his cool.

"I need to talk to her about something, I'll do it." He says passive aggressively, he practically begs Carlo with his eyes and eventually leaves the room. Suddenly all eyes are on me, and I can basically hear Camila thinking about snapping my neck in half.

"You need to sort your shit out, Rocco." Dad says, calmly. I turn to look at him, tears still welling my vision.

"I wasn't going to hit her." I croak, and based from what I can see Dads face softens.

"We know Rocco, but she doesn't. That's the problem." Agostino says softly, he understands that I was just calming myself down and distracting my self. Since he is the one that taught me how to do it.

"I don't hate her." I mumble.

"Well go tell her that you idiot, she thinks that you don't want her here." Bruno scoffs.

"I don't have a problem with her going to the party either, I was just joking." I say again. Dad scoffs.

"I don't care what you think about her going, she was going whether you liked it or not." He says.

"Whatever" I grumble. Everyone around the table slowly begins to leave the room, and suddenly my chair is pulled out and turned around. I slowly looked up to see who did it, and I'm met with a fuming Camila staring right at me. Agostino is standing behind her with a smirk on his face, oh that little-

"What the fuck have you done with your sister Rocco Marcello Bernardi." She says, furiously. Oh shit, sometimes she's even scarier then Dad. Right now is one of those times.

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