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Chiara's POV

I swear to the good heavens, if I do not get these stupid high heels off anytime soon, I might self destruct. My feet are aching so fucking much, and to top it off, I am walking around half asleep. Also, because I'm a sweating god, I'm sweating all my makeup off. I would really love to go home.

I was currently standing in the bathroom of this massive ball room thing and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. I had done my business on the toilet and whatever, and now I couldn't be bothered walking about out there and having to socialise even more. My social battery died a long, long time ago. I just simply did not have the energy, and Carlo was on my ass wanting to talk to me. That's the only good thing about being a girl in a house of boys, I can hide in the girls bathrooms.

So, I regained my mental composure, and decided I was prepared to go out and socialise without screaming at everyone. Then the sexy french girl walked in.

"Hey Chiara." She said in that sexy French accent, and suddenly I don't want to go home and I'm happy right where I am. She'd probably help me move on from Milo, and it wouldn't be like Hamish. But I don't know if she's even into girls, and there's no way I'm pushing that on her.

"Oh, hey, Anelise." I said awkwardly, good gosh she was so hot. Imagine if I didn't remember her name?! Wait, that was her name, right? Oh, the long, black dress she was wearing hugged her long figure perfectly. I just hoped the personality topped her looks.

"You know, not that I've been looking or anything, but you've gotta teach me how you taped your boobs. They look amazing." She gushes, and I feel all the blood rush to my face. However, I feel like her personality will top her looks.

"Oh my gosh, sorry I've got a filter problem. I didn't mean to like, intrude or anything. It's just like you're really hot, wait shit I did it again." She rambles, and then slaps a hand over her mouth at the end. Yep, I love her personality, thank gosh.

"Thank you, and it's no big deal. Don't stress, I'm happy someone was impressed with this handy work." I laugh, and at some point we move so that we're now standing face to face, we were so close I could feel and smell her breath, it was minty. She was barely shorter then me, and looked up at me with those deep blue eyes and I could feel my breathing start to go closer. I don't remember moving? Not complaining though.

"You're into girls right?" I mumble, more focused on her beautiful eyes of hers.

"I'm as lesbian as you can get. Are you? Because I kind of really want to kiss you right now." She starts rambling, but then I quickly cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers.

She quickly grasps onto the straps of my dress, and pulls me so now she's leaning up against the sink. I swiftly lift her so she's sitting on it. Oh deary me, it feels nice to be in charge for a change.

As I softly grab her ass, she groans and I find myself comparing hers to Milo's whilst my tongue is stuck down her throat. A small part of me did this is to get my mind off of him, and now I'm thinking about him. I can't even compare them, I'm dominating this one whilst he was dominating ours. And they're completely different genders. Fuck, I need to focus on what's in front of me.

She swiftly grabs onto one of my boobs, earning a small moan from me. No one's done that to me before, not even any of the girls I've been with before. Now I wish someone had done it earlier. Gosh, she's a good kisser.

I pull myself away from the kiss, and start leaving small kisses down her throat and neck. I hit one spot on particular just bellow her ear, and she moans. I get the hint and start softly sucking, just enough to leave a small hickey. As I do she starts playing with my boobs more and more, and also starts tugging on my hair.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now