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tw - mention of self harm, suicide, eating disorders and rape

Third Person POV

Gi was the first of the household to wake up, briefly hearing the creak of someone's door open. If he had to guess who's door it was, it would easily be Chiara's. She had the squeakiest door out of all of them.

He nervously waited, struggling to find a comfortable position to get back to sleep. He knew it was useless, he wouldn't be able to sleep until he knows Chiara's back in bed. When he heard a door creak again, he let out a sigh presuming it was Chiara's and she was back in bed.

Just as he was about to fall back sleep, a loud crash came from downstairs. He was already up and moving, but when he heard a strangled, "Help! Somebody help please!" Come downstairs from Rocco, he basically flew downstairs. He heard Tino and someone else's door open from behind him, but he was too focused on getting downstairs.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Mamma." Him and Tino heard Chiara before they saw her. And what they saw  made their own hearts stop beating.

Chiara was curled up in a ball in the corner of the kitchen, with a kitchen knife in her hand up against her wrist. She was shaking, one wrong move and that blade would go flying across her wrist.

"What do I do? I don't know what to do?" Rocco croaked, standing very very still just a few feet away from Chiara. The fear on his face was evident, he was trying his best to hide the fact he was crying.

"Okay, um Rocco can you go make sure Carlo, Bruno and Enzo stay upstairs and don't see this? Gi and I have got her." Tino explained softly, approaching Chiara carefully. Rocco went to turn around to keep the younger ones upstairs, but it was too late. Carlo was already standing at the bench, watching Chiara with wide eyes.

"What's she doing? Why's she doing that? You can't let her, someone stop her." Carlo said hurriedly, tears already racing down his face. When no one responded to him it just made him stress even more.

"What the fuck are you doing? Someone stop her already. Chia-!" He exclaimed, starting to rush towards Chiara. He was quickly cut off by Rocco, who quickly wrapping an arm around his waist and slapping a hand over his mouth.

"I know Carlo, I know it's scary. But we need to try and keep her calm okay? We don't know if she's awake, asleep or even if she's on something. So we're going to go back upstairs and let Gi and Tino do their think, okay? They've got her." Rocco said carefully, slowly stepping himself and Carlo out of the room.

"Please Rocco, I need to help her. I can, I can do it." Carlo sobbed, but the noise was drowned out by Tino and Gi who were more focused on the person sitting in front of them. They briefly heard Rocco intercepting Enzo and Bruno and taking them all into a bedroom upstairs, but they weren't really paying attention to that.

"Dad, please, no. I'm sorry, I swear I'm sorry." Chiara mumbled starting to shake and shift more on the floor. Tino and Gi shared a knowing look.

"She's sleep talking." Gi mumbled, running a hand tiredly across his face.

"You all good for me to grab the knife whilst you grab her and check her for injuries?" Tino said, the leader in him taking over. He was running on adrenaline, he hadn't slept in over 24 hours and felt like shit. Turns out running a mafia and trying to look after a bunch of teenagers wasn't easy. He wasn't even planning on coming home tonight, the only reason he was here was because Camila gave him a lecture about it.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now