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tw - mention of self harm

Chiara's POV

"Chiara! We're off!" Gi yells through the door as he knocks, but he doesn't wait for my response before he opens it. I peak up at the door from where I'm reading on my bed, and find Tino and Gi standing at the door. They're both in blue jeans, Tino with a Yale sweatshirt on and Gi with an oversized white tee on.

"Okay, see you later." I respond quickly and get back into my book, but when I don't hear the door shut I look back up to find that they haven't moved a muscle.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us? It'll be a lot quieter down at the Marino's." Tino asks softly and I know they're worried about me doing something silly. But that's not possible.

Bruno spent the night at the warehouse after he relapsed, so it was just Rocco, Carlo and I home that night. I'd managed to convince Carlo to let Tino and Gi settle in with Bruno before we told them about me, but someone bet us to it. Turns out Carlo and I weren't very quiet and Rocco heard everything, like everything. Rocco told Tino and Gi the second they walked through the door, whilst Carlo and I were asleep.

It was a little awkward when Carlo and I walked into the kitchen that morning to find Tino, Gi and Rocco all sitting there. Gi was already quietly crying and Tino had tears brimming his eyes and I thought Bruno had died or something, he didn't.

"How long." Tino asked when he saw me, and I immediately figured that Rocco had hear everything.

"I'll be fine." I reassure the both of them, who are still standing at my door looking at me worriedly. I'm not sure what they're worried about, they took anything sharp out of my room, and the only pills I had access to was my birth control. And half the time I've forgotten they're even there, I can't remember the last time I actually took it.

"Okay, okay. If you change your mind and want us to come and grab you, just give us a call. Oh, and call me if things get crazy here and we'll come kick everyone out." Gi says softly, he looks like he's about to walk away but Tino decides he has something to say.

"Whilst you're up here please keep your door locked. But if you decide you want to join the party, you're allowed to and don't let anyone tell you any different. Just no more than two drinks if you do decide to go down there, Carlo's been told the same thing." Tino says sternly, raising an eyebrow in my direction. I honestly can't be fucked going down there tonight, although getting shit faced does sound fun.

"Eye-eye captain, you can leave now." I say, waiting for them to move. They don't, they just stand there and keep on looking at me, it looks like Gi's studying me.

"Maybe we should bring her with us anyways, just to be safe." Gi whispers to Tino, I'm clearly not meant to hear it but I do. It's all it takes for me to storm up to the door.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I say sweetly, slowly closing the door in their faces.

"Fine, love you." Tino grumbled and plants a kiss on my forehead, Gi quickly doing the same thing.

"Love you too, now leave before some teenage girls find you and try to make a move." I say teasingly and the colour drops from both their faces, and they basically sprint down the hallway and down stairs.

Sighing, I close the door, making sure to lock it and grab the book off my bed and get settled in my reading nook. Tonight I want to try and finish Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover and get halfway through It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey. Reading about a sexy pilot or fisherman sounds really good right about now.


Turns out, I strongly dislike Miles Archer aka the sexy pilot. It seems to have put me in a mood, and not even Brendan Targett could fix it, no matter how much I loved him. It also explains why I'm walking down the stairs wearing a black, satin corset top that barely covers my boobs and a pair of blue jeans with my black high tops. I've decided to join the party.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now