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tw - mention of drugs, alcohol, self harm, eating disorders and vaping

Third Person POV

After a solid 10 minutes, Rocco managed to get a grumpy Chiara and wasted Milo downstairs. He'd even managed to duck into Sophie's room and grab Chiara's bag without losing either one of them. Personally, he felt like that was a big accomplishment.

It didn't matter that he was physically dragging Chiara out of the house. Literally, she was having a tantrum like a two year one and refused to get off the ground. Hence why Rocco was simply dragging her out by her arm.

"OMG! Riccardo's here!" Milo gasped as the three of them stepped out the door. Well, Rocco and Milo stepped out the door whilst Chiara was dragged out the door. Milo seemed to have forgotten that he called Tino and Riccardo, but no one had the heart to tell him that.

Standing beside their car, Tino and Riccardo assessed the group of them. Riccardo could tell Milo was wasted by the way he was swaying whilst standing up.

Tino couldn't figure out what was going on with his younger siblings. He couldn't see Chiara's face, but based off the way she was being dragged he could only assume she was mad about something. Usually Rocco would look pissed off in a situation like this, but he didn't. He looked worried and that immediately made Tino worried.

"Rocco, please don't drag your sister down the stairs." Tino sighed, and Rocco passed Milo Chiara's bag of stuff. Milo grabbed it happily and skipped down the steps, making Riccardo nervous that he was going to fall over.

"Chiara, can you please just stand up and walk down the stairs." Rocco sighed down on Chiara. For the first time since they left the room, Chiara looked up at Rocco and glared at him. That was all Rocco needed to pick her up bridal style and carry her down the stairs. Eventually every made it down the stairs without any injuries, and the older two were trying to assess the situation.

"Chiara how much have you had to drink?" Tino sighed, taking in the sight of his younger sister. If he had to guess, Tino would say around a few drinks plus a few shots, he could smell it on Chiara's breath. In response, Chiara started counting on his fingers. When she reached 8 she got confused, taking some away and then adding more.

"Um, a lot I think." Chiara murmured, responding more to Tino then she's spoken to Rocco all night. Rocco didn't know if he should be offended or not.

"Okay. Um Rocco could you text Gi and ask him to get the breath thingy ready? Then we can figure out how much she's had." Tino said directing his voice towards Rocco as he did. Rocco was having a mental debate, does he tell Tino about the coke or just subtly message Gi to have a drug test ready as well.

"Um, she'll need a dr-." Rocco began, coming to a mental decision. But he was cut off by a fuming Chiara.

"Shut the fuck up Rocco." Chiara gritted out aggressively, taking Tino back a little. He gave a worried glance between the two of them. He was worried he already knew the answer to what Rocco was going to say, but he hoped he was wrong. He gave Rocco a small nod, encouraging him to continue his sentence.

"Drug test. She'll need a drug test." Rocco finished. Tino took in a shaky breath. This wasn't just Chiara wanting to go out and get drunk, something was going on. Another thing was going on with Chiara and Tino hadn't noticed it earlier.

"Chiara, could you tell me what you've taken tonight? Just so I know how to help you, I promise I won't be mad." Tino said softly, and it brought angry tears to Chiara's eyes.

She couldn't understand why they couldn't just be mad at her. She felt as if she'd killed her Dad, she'd brought so many problems to their lives that they wouldn't have had to go through. She had hickeys all over her, she was drunk, she'd done coke and weed. Why couldn't they just be mad for once in their life.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now