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Chiara's POV

"She's just so hot, like ughhh." Georgia groaned from beside me, Ava, Georgia and I were on our way to the cafeteria for lunch.

It was the first Thursday of the school year. Winter Break was pretty boring, I just moped around the house and hung out with Carlo for most of it. I also hung out with Ava and Georgia like once.

Georgia was a girl in the cheer team who I had a few of my classes with. Her, Ava and I had formed our own little trio, it was nice. I found it kind of hard to make female friends at school that weren't just being friends with me to get in with my brothers. So it was nice to know that they had my back, considering Ava is already dating Bruno and Georgia swings the other way.

New Years had been completely uneventful, my brothers had a few friends over for a mini party, Emilio included. But I isolated myself in my room all night, I couldn't find the energy to do anything. They were more than happy with that, because it meant I wasn't getting a new years kiss. Carlo, Enzo and Bruno filled me in on everything that happened the next day anyways.

And today had been so uneventful and I felt like complete shit. My mood was completely all over the place, one minute I was telling Carlo how much I loved him, and then I screamed in his face to fuck off. He didn't take it personally, thank goodness, he just laughed at me. I had the worst headache and these weird abdominal cramps and I'd felt nauseous all day.

Now I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. And that's because my cramps were usually way worse than this, and I didn't get headaches on my period. It's probably just a sign that my uterus has stopped malfunctioning, and is slowly getting its shit together.

"Yeah, but GG, that's not the point." Ava said from beside me. I was about to say something, but then a cramp ripped straight through me, and I bent over and groaned. Fuck, that's the worse it's been all day.

"C, I know you insist you're okay, but you're not looking too good." Georgia asks, squatting down to look me in the eyes. She rests the back of her hand on my forehead, and then feels around my face.

"Hmm, you do feel a little cold." She says, and then helps me stand up.

"I'm fine really," I begin, and then a wave of nausea spreads through me, and this time it feels serious. My downstairs area feels a little odd too. "I'm going to be sick, could someone get me a pad or tampon please." I manage to say, before turning around and sprinting to the nearest bathroom.

I can hear Ava and Georgia quickly discuss their game plan, and then they head off in two different directions, one running right after me. As I'm running I see Rocco, and he tries to reach out and grab me, which I swiftly dodge and continue running.

"Hey! The cafeteria is that way!" He exclaims, and I think he starts running after us as well.

I quickly make it into the bathroom and run straight into an empty stall and start puking all of the food I've consumed in the past 24 hours. I feel someone pull my hair out of my face and slowly start rubbing my back. Once there's nothing left for my stomach to throw up, I back away and rest my back up against the cubicle wall. Several more cramps start ripping through my stomach, and I wrap my arms around my stomach, as if it's actually going to help.

I manage to open my eyes when I feel someone wiping my face with toilet paper. I see Georgia crouched down, focusing on cleaning my face up. When she sees me open my eyes she gives me a sad smile and throws the paper in the toilet and flushes.

"I'm taking you to the nurses office once Ava comes back with whatever she finds. No buts and no excuses, you need to rest C." She says sternly. I roll my eyes and mumble, "Whatever." I didn't want to go home and bother everyone with my problems, it was just my period. I was probably being dramatic anyways, all girls go through this.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now