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tw - mention of eating disorders (quite graphic)

Chiara's POV

Holy mother of God, this might be the most attractive man I've every laid eyes on. Hotter than Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Jacob Elordi even. Crikey, I've never even talked to this guy and I'm already obsessing over him, it's a first for me. I take the seat next to him and it allows me to really get a good look at his gorgeous face.

I can hear the teacher rambling on about something in the background, so I look towards the board to try and subtly check him out from the corner of my eye. I decide on the classic head-to-toe approach to really get a good look at him.

His hair, oh my goodness his hair. The wavy, messy brown mop sitting on top of his head, it falls down his head and forehead perfectly. The things I would run my fingers through that silky goodness. I slowly make my way down his face, his eyebrows my next location.

I reckon his eyebrows are better than mine. They're the perfect amount of thickness, and have the slightest cure. Not a stray hair found anywhere, you'd think he gets them done. That just made him ten times hotter.

His eyes, wait his eyes. Looking directly at me. Shit. Have I been caught? How do I play this off. It's okay, I got this. Totally got this.

I turn my body so I'm facing him fully, and we make eye contact. Oh my god his eyes, the prettiest shade of green I think I've ever seen in my entire life. And those eyes are sporting some of the longest eyelashes I've seen in my entire life, I've got to admit, I'm a little jealous of those. It takes everything in me to pull myself away from those eyes, but I manage to do it. Somehow.

"Hi, I uh I'm Chiara." I manage to say, somewhat clearly. His lips quirk into a small smirk, and I'm about to start admiring his lips before he cuts me off.

"I know who you are Chiara." He says. Holy shit, his voice might be the sexiest thing I've ever heard. And those lips, oh I just want to- 

Cut it out Chiara, you don't develop feelings.

Oh yeah wait never mind, he's ugly. So ugly, I just want to kiss him, just a teeny bit.

"Right, Mr Marino." I say, slowly nodding my head.

"It's Emilio, most people call me Milo though." He added quickly. Huh, Milo. I could make that work, I wonder how it would sound when we-. What is happening to me, I never think like this, not even with Charlie?!

"Emilio Marino. Huh, why is your last name familiar." I said enthusiastically. He rolled his eyes, I think he was getting tired of this conversation.

"Our dads are like best buds and have been since they were fresh out the womb. Carlo and Giovanni are also two of my best friends, so out families are pretty tight knit. And you probably know my older sister, Valentina, she's a doctor of some sorts." He grumbled under his breath and then turned his attention back to the board, ending the conversation. It was probably for the better too.

He was Carlo and Giovanni's best friend, there's no way I could go for him. Plus he's one of Dad's friend's sons? Yeah no way, what if things went sour? I don't want to be the one to ruin that for them. Guess I'd just have to find a way to distract myself from his sexiness.


The rest of the class flew by, and to be honest I wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher was going on about. I think it was something to do with Shakespeare? Not really sure.

I was the last to leave the classroom, and I looked around to find where Carlo was waiting for me, we had science together next. I found him leaning up against a wall talking to the one and only, Emilio Marino. Carlo and I made eye contact and he waved his hand at me, gesturing for me to go over to him. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him, slowly, very slowly.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now