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tw - mention of rape, self harm & eating disorders, there will be scenes throughout the chapter without direction warning, apart from the flashback. please be careful <3

Chiara's POV

Flashback starting (tw - mention of rape, self harm & eating disorders)

"Come back here you fat slut! You know you're not allowed to eating anything we don't give you!" Mum screeches, quickly running behind me up the stairs.

"Mum please, I'm starving, I can't do it again." 15 year old me cries. I just wanted a single piece of bacon, I can't remember the last time I ate something that wasn't mouldy bread. And there's still a throb in my lower stomach from what John did to me last night, I couldn't keep living like this anymore, hence the multiple cuts along my wrist. You'd think your mother would try to get you to stop, not actually encourage you to keep on doing it.

"Nope, you know the rules you whore. Get in the bathroom now, or I'll just get John on to you, maybe even get him to invite some friends over." Mum evilly chuckles, and that's when I give up. I'd rather have her shove her fingers down my throat and make me throw up, then see John again. I slowly make my way into the crusty bathroom, with her on my heels.

"That's my good girl, now vomit it up fatty. You need to lose a few, you're probably getting stretch marks, and you know what I think about those." She says, and comes behind me and forces me onto my knees. She forces my head over the toilet bowl, and then shoves her fingers down my throat.

I vomit the very small amount of food that was in my stomach, it ending up in the toilet bowl. Tears streaming down my face, I start squirming in her hold, trying to get her to let me go.

"Don't do that again you bitch." She says, giving me a quick slap across the face, and pulls me up to my feet by my hair. I hear someone go, "Tsk, tsk tsk." And tilt my head to find John standing at the door, with his arms crossed.

"Has she not been listening, once again?" He asks, looking me up and down, I feel like I could vomit again.

"The bitch ate a piece of bacon, I made her throw it back up. She knows the rules." My mother says graciously, and then shoves me towards John. I stumble towards him, and he steadies me with those grimy hands of his.

"Well, I guess I could have a little more fun with her. Just to make sure she doesn't do it again?" He grins, I shudder, I can't do this anymore.

"I guess that wouldn't be the worst idea." She's wrong, it is the worst idea. John just smirks at me, and then pulls me by my hair down to my room, the filthy, cold basement. He quickly throws me onto the poor excuse of a mattress and quickly starts undoing his pants.

"Now I know we went for a while last night, so let's keep this short and simple. Okay?" He says breathlessly taking my ratty old top off from over me, pulling down my pants and ripping my undies. My bra is the only form of clothing on me right now, and I feel so violated.

Before I even have the chance to protest, he slams into me with maximum force, and I let out a massive scream. He quickly reaches for my throat and starts choking me, forcing himself in and out of me as hard as he can.

"Shut up you bitch, you know you like it." He sneers, and I start sobbing and coughing. There isn't anything to be enjoying right now, it hurts, oh it hurts so bad.

"Kiki, wake up." I hear a voice say in the distance. Huh, that's weird.

Then John takes his other hand and removes my bra from me, leaving me completely naked and vulnerable. I try to move my arms to cover myself, but he quickly slaps them away forcefully.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now