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tw - slight mention of drugs & rape

Damiano's POV

I fucking hate Mondays.

I hate them for so many reasons, I don't even know where to begin. Because it's the first day of the week, and even though I don't even relax on the weekends, the idea of a new week starting just stresses me out. The idea of all the new stupid shit I'd have to deal with is annoying.

Then my kids are always in a pissy mood on a Monday, especially in the morning. Tino's mad because he had to wake up early, and Gi's mad because his residency is killing his sleep schedule. Then Rocco, Enzo, Bruno and Carlo are all mad because they have to go back to school.

And their shitty moods rub off on me because I hate it when they're in a bad mood. And when they're in a bad mood, I'm in a bad mood. And they all get a large majority of their homework on a Monday, so no one wants to hang out or talk to me when they eventually get home.

At least dinner is usually a little bit fun, as they're usually rehashing what happened on the weekend, and what they found out at school that day. I may be in my late forties, but finding out what Gia did to Victoria will never not be entertaining. It makes me feel young again.

And I'm lucky, I've raised my kids in a very open environment. So they have no problem talking about this stuff in front of me, and I love it. Although sometimes I don't love it as much, sometimes I'd like not to hear about what Rocco was doing with some girl on the weekend. But at least they include me.

This Monday was no different, they all woke up at the latest possible second. They were all grumpy, considering the youngest four were at a party on the weekend. And not a single one of them listened to my 2 drink rule and were still nursing hangovers. Safe to say the workout I'd put them through yesterday as a punishment didn't help either.

They all trotted off to school, Gi went off to the hospital, and I went into the warehouse early before Tino. Some idiot ruined a shipment by accidentally tattling about it to one of his friends, and that friend then turned out to be a good friend of a Russian.

The Russians found out about our shipment, then came and barged in. 1 million dollars worth of drugs gone. Poof. Some probably thought it was fairy dust floating around.

Then Tino did eventually drag his annoying ass into work, but his fiancée is currently in Mexico visiting family, so he didn't get laid last night. Which meant he was in a terrible mood, and was absolutely no help at all.

And then dinner time came around, but apparently nothing interesting happened at the party and there was no follow-up drama at school today. So I have nothing to report to my best friend, Giuseppe, which means we might actually have to do work tomorrow. I don't typically work on Tuesdays, so this could be a huge issue for me.

Usually, our Tuesdays are our gossip days where we share what we found out at Monday night dinner. I just hope Giuseppe got something good out of his kids. Maybe his kids don't hate him today. Unlike mine.

And now, I have to catch up on work. Because none of my kids asked me to do anything with them, which means I don't have an excuse to get out of work. Now I have to try and make another drug shipment, which hopefully won't get raided. Which means only telling a select group of people.

Reading on this laptop gives me a headache, especially because there are so many fucking numbers on this Word document. Numbers are stupid, but numbers mean money. Even though we really don't need any more money. But money is nice.

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