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tw - mention of rape, miscarriages and abuse

Chiara's POV

I felt myself be flopped around as Giacomo brought me down the stairs. I'd made the decision to close my eyes to stop my self from getting dizzy when I stopped fighting him. Suddenly I was dropped onto a soft surface, and slowly opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the lighting and new surroundings.

I was met with the familiar faces of my father and eldest two brothers sitting on the couch opposite me. They all had similar, but different looks on their faces, if you get what I'm saying. Actually you probably don't, I'll just explain.

Dad just looked pissed. There really were no other ways to describe how he looked, and I didn't blame him. He'd just found out his daughter had been pregnant multiple times. Your average parent would be mad for getting pregnant once, but three times? Gosh he'd be internally fuming.

Tino looked pissed, but nowhere near as bad as Dad did. There was a hint of guilt and sadness in his expression, I couldn't figure out why though. He should be mad, I mean his younger sister was whoring around so much she feel pregnant. Why would he be sad? Oh maybe because I miscarried then, actually yeah it's probably that.

There wasn't an ounce of resentment or angriness on Giacomo's face, which actually didn't surprise me too much. He looked a mixture of sad, guilty and solemn. Did I know why he looked so sad? No. Was I surprised he looked sad? No.

The silence was cut off by Dad clearing his throat, and then he began talking. "Chiara honey. I think we need to have a chat." He said. I fought the urge to say, "No we don't." and simply nodded, not trusting my mouth right now.

"Now I know you don't want to talk much and aren't ready, but we just want you to tell us whatever you're comfortable with. Okay bambina?" Giacomo says softly, I slowly nod my head to acknowledge him. My mood suddenly went from happy and confident, too sad and scared within a matter of seconds. I didn't want to be here, but they deserved answers.

"Chiara, I need to hear it come out of your mouth. D-did your mother," Dad began, before taking in a sharp breath and continuing, "Did she ever sell you, to anyone?" He finished shakily, I noticed everyone in the room slightly stiffen at the mention of it.

"Yeah." I said quietly, looking out the window across the horizon. I couldn't stand to look at their faces when I said it, whether they felt mad or sad or guilty. I just couldn't bring myself to see the negative emotions that they felt because of me. When I heard their deep breathing and low grumbles, I began to thank myself for not looking at them.

"Chiara look at us tesoro." Dad said sternly, I don't think the authority in his voice ever left. Even in emotional moments like this. I reluctantly turned my head so I was looking at Dad. The three were seated in the same places, but they all looked very pissed. Even Giacomo! Their fists were all bunched up into tight fists and their jaws were clenched with anger, and Agostino was even beginning to go red.

(tesoro = sweetheart)

"Carlo also mentioned something about a mafia being involved, can you elaborate." He added in a softer tone, but the authority was certainly there. Good gosh.

"Uhh I'm not too sure but I think I overheard mum talking about it at some stage mid last year." I mumbled. At this rate I was grateful they all understood me mumbling.

"Okay, and what did these men do to you exactly?" He asked. I flinched at his question, I had just gotten that thought out of my brain and now it was slowly creeping back in. My leg started bouncing underneath me and I could feel a large lump developing at the back of my throat. Not the time.

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