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tw - slight mention of abuse and rape

Third Person POV

"Rocco, look at the camera baby!"

"C'mon Enzo, stop poking Carlo's face."

"Gi, Tino, stop fighting over your sister please. Put her on the floor next to Carlo."

"There we go! Look at all you pretty babies." Rosalia cheered when she finally got a picture with all three of them looking at the camera. Most of them were smiling in it, all apart from Rocco. But he never smiled when he was asked to, he hated smiling on photos.

"Fina-fucking-lly, can we go now?" A 10 year old Agostino groaned, his shoulders sore from where Bruno was sitting on them. Gosh knows how he thought he'd be able to balance Bruno on his shoulders and hold a wriggling Chiara without dropping one of them. Or hurting himself.

"Bad word!" A 3 year old Bruno gasped looking at both his parents with wide eyes, whilst also tugging the shit out of Tino's hair. As if he was trying to punish him for saying a 'naughty' word.

"Oww, Bruno stop it." Tino groaned, attempting to lift Bruno off of his shoulders. He couldn't get him very far, Bruno was certain on keeping his grip on Tino's hair. Not much would stop him from letting go. Damiano had to keep his laugh down, laughing would only make Tino angrier and encourage Bruno's behaviour.

"I know Bruno, Tino said a very naughty word didn't he." Damiano said, glaring at Agostino as he lifted Bruno off Tino's shoulders and brought him into his own arms. At the sound of his father's voice, Bruno immediately let go of Tino's hair and completely focused on Damiano.

"Yes, I heard him say it!" Bruno exclaimed, buffing out his chest and crossing his arms as Damiano put him on his own two legs. Damiano couldn't help the small smile that spread across his face. It happened regularly when he was around his kids.

"Just to make sure Tino doesn't do it again, I'll let you have one punch at him. Does that sound like a plan, cucciolo?" Damiano said, crouching down to the same height as Bruno. Tino just rolled his eyes, he didn't feel like faking pain right now. He just wanted to go downstairs, away from his annoying, baby siblings.

(little animal)

Damiano should probably be concerned at the look of pure excitement that spread across Bruno's face when he heard he could punch Tino. But he chose to ignore it, it's not like he was innocent either.

Without any warning, no words coming from his mouth whatsoever, Bruno started winding his arm back, warming up for the punch. Then out of nowhere, not only his arm, but his entire body started flying at Tino's leg. Only his arm made contact, and the rest of his body collided with the floor. The poor thing wasn't very coordinated.

"Ow, what was that for?" Tino mock winced, sending an annoyed glare in his fathers direction. Bruno bounced back off the floor with a large grin on his face, please with the efforts he had put into that punch. Just as Damiano was about to respond, his only daughter caught his attention. And the entire room's attention.

"FUUUUCK!" Chiara screamed, putting her entire soul into the exclamation. It was enough to make Rocco and Gi stop wresting in the floor, it caught Rosalia's attention from where she was trying to convince Enzo and Carlo that their pants needed to stay on. It took everything in all of the people above the age of 5 to not start laughing.

"Did I use cor?" Chiara paused, frustrated she couldn't pronounce the world "correctly", well correctly. "Cowectwy" She finished, still frustrated that she couldn't say it properly. But then she turned her head and looked at her Dad with the most innocent and pure look on her face.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now