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tw - slight mention of abuse and eating disorders. it's spread through the chapter so there will be no tw given before specific scenes. only read what you're comfortable with, be safe xo

Chiara's POV

The cold Saturday breeze washes over me on my seat out on the back porch. I look up from the book that I'm reading, which is 'Beach Read' by Emily Henry. The main character had just started talking about the storm that was coming in, and it was looking like something similar was about to come in threw New York. Angry, dark clouds slowly started drifting over the top of our house, and I made a mad dash inside to avoid the weather.

A split second after I closed the glass door, rain came pouring down. I stood there for a second, thinking about everything that happened this week, which wasn't actually much.

I'd forgiven Carlo after school on Monday, and honestly, I wasn't regretting it. I realised how much I actually missed him when things went back to normal. I'd realised that he only had good intentions, and I got all the rage out of my system by screaming at him to never do it again.

School had been average, I mean it was just school. My good mate Olivia had given me a few nasty shoulder bumps in the hallway, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. 

I hadn't purged any meals since Monday, I guess that was just a moment of weakness. It wouldn't happen again. But I had been eating a little less. It's fine though, my appetite has been bad from all the stress at school. I'm still eating, and no one's really noticed yet so it can't be that bad.

I also tried out of the cheer team, and somehow made it. As of right now I was one of the teams flyers and also did a little bit of tumbling, and I was loving it. Olivia was also the captain, but we remained civil for the most part.

Emilio Marino. Things between us where, well, odd. We'd talked a little in class but it was mainly about the topics we were learning about. I'd learnt that he was on the schools football team, and was apparently quite good at it. Carlo said something about colleges already looking at him, not quite sure what that means but anyways.

The reason I was outside reading a book was because Emilio and Andrea, his older brother, were over. They were hanging out with Carlo, Bruno and Enzo in the games room. The book didn't exactly help, at one stage there was a make-out scene and the only thing I could think about was recreating it with Emilio.

I managed to pull myself away from the door, and got myself comfortable on the couch. I was about to get back into my book, someone rang the door bell. I let out a frustrated groan, someone else can get it. I'm comfortable.

I ignored it and opened my book and begun to read it. I was halfway through my second page when the doorbell rung, yet again. I let out another frustrated groan. It looked like no one else was getting it, so I swung my legs over the couch and made my way to open the door, muttering a string of frustrated curses.

I opened the door and standing on the other side was a short, tan woman. She would've been around 5'6, 5'7. I couldn't call her short, I would be barely taller than her. Her wavy black hair was tied back in a high pony tail, and her blue jeans and white crop top accentuated her curvy figure. She was holding a large, black suitcase in one hand and a Gucci purse in the other. The big smile on her face showed off her pearly whites, and she was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey there! Is Agostino home by any chance?" The women said, peering over my shoulder to look into the house. I stood there frozen, what was I supposed to do? I didn't know this woman!

"Um, I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked polietly.

"Oh silly me! I'm Camila, Agostino's fiancée, nice to meet you Chiara. Tino has told me a fair amount about you." She said enthusiastically, sticking a hand out for me to shake. I hesitantly shook her hand quickly and then pulled it back to my side.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now