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a/n - comment throughout and lmk your thoughts. you guys keep me entertained. ily.

tw - vomiting, mentions of rape, sexual assault, eating disorders and abuse.

Carlo's POV

About halfway through the movie, I feel a sudden pressure settling onto my shoulder. I crane my neck to have a peek at whatever it is, just to find Chiara fast asleep and resting against my shoulder. Happiness bubbles through me at the idea that she's comfortable enough to fall asleep around us, let alone fall asleep against me.

Her head starts awkwardly shifting, obviously trying to get comfortable. But that probably isn't going to happen on my shoulder. So I gently move her head so she's lying in my lap, being careful enough not to wake her.

But then she starts mumbling incoherent shit to herself, so I just do what feels natural and start running my hands through her hair to try and calm her down. It seems to work, as her mumbling stops and she lets out a loud sigh.

"She sleeping?" Gi asks softly from beside me, which is a silly question. He's looking straight at her, and he can obviously tell she is asleep. Unless he's gone blind within the past 5 minutes. Which I highly doubt.

"You know, she isn't what I was expecting. I thought we were going to have another idiot like Carlo running around the house with more smart arse comments. But she's so quiet. And she's so tiny." Bruno says, not taking his eyes off her at all. We all nod in response, even Rocco.

And to be honest, I agree with him. I thought that I'd have a partner in crime immediately and we'd get along like a house on fire. But she barely talks. At some stages during breakfast, I thought she was trying to camouflage into the chair and try to get away from us.

"She met us like 5 seconds ago, let her warm up to us first. She might be more Carlo-like than we realise." Gi says, keeping his tone soft so he doesn't wake Chiara.

"Or maybe she'll have a short fuse like Rocco," Bruno smirks, and Rocco rolls his eyes. He looks like he's about to defend himself, but Enzo quickly cuts him off.

"I hope she does, it'll be funny to watch them go at each other." Enzo says, humour lacing his tone. Bruno has to stifle his laughter, and Rocco looks less than impressed. Which is basically his normal expression.

"Absolutely not, Rocco will be nothing but nice to his sister. No need for arguments, right Rocco?" Gi says sternly, and Rocco looks like he's about to roll his eyes again. But he quickly, and smartly doesn't.

"Yeah, right. Play nice or whatever." Rocco mutters, pulling his phone out and removing himself from the conversation. I don't even have to look at Gi to know he's looking at Rocco with a disappointed look on his face. The tired sigh that comes out of him only confirms my thoughts.

But then Chiara starts mumbling more gibberish to herself and starts shifting her body around awkwardly. I start playing with her hair again, and it seems to get the job done and she calms back down.

"Look at how cute she is, I just want to squish those not-so-chubby cheeks." Bruno coos like she's a child, which she definitely isn't. Although if we were to stand next to each other, you wouldn't be able to tell we're the same age. Apart from the fact we look scarily similar.

"Leave the poor thing alone, Bruno."


Chiara's POV

I quickly fell asleep, and I wish I never fell asleep without taking my sleeping tablets.

Flashback Starting (TW - abuse and eating disorders. Skip to the end of the flashback if you need)

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