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Chiara's POV

"Why would they invite them anyways? I can't think of a single person who genuinely likes them." Ava asked. I just shrugged, I truely had no idea why my brothers thought it'd be a good idea to invite those bitches, there's nothing good about them and they hate me.

Hence why when they rung the door bell, I dragged Georgia and Ava up into my room to hide from them. Ava was wearing a cute pink once piece, with a little cutout on the side and her curly blonde hair was flying free. Georgia had taken her own advice and worn something a little more showy, with a plain black triangle bikini top and cheeky swim bottoms. She tied her auburn hair up in a low pony tail, and they both looked hot as.

"Rocco's probably horny and knows Olivia is a quick lay." Georgia shrugs, lying down on my bed. Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits, but sometimes I just wished her filter worked a little bit better.

"Georgia!" I exclaim, not feeling like hearing about by brothers sex life right now.

"What, it's just the truth." She adds cluelessly.

"Chiara, you don't need to be hiding up here from them. You know they're full of shit and if they say anything, just hope it's in front of your brothers and then they can scream at her for you." Ava says supportively.

"Hey! I want to do the screaming thank you very much!" Georgia says, suddenly sitting upright.

"There will be no screaming, plus I'm not scared of them." I sigh, lying back down onto my bed.

"Then why are you hiding? Oh wait! You're hiding from Milo aren't you! OMG wait, you guys kissed in here." Georgia screams. It suddenly feels like all the blood in my body has rushed to my cheeks.

"You know what, I think I can hear Carlo calling us! We should probably go down now." I ramble, pulling a random t-shirt I found on the floor over my head. I don't pay much attention to what it is, but I know it's one of my brothers because it's massive on me.

"Let's go!" I exclaim, and open the door for the girls. They walk out of the door reluctantly, looking at me like I've lost the plot.

Together, we make our way down the the indoor swimming pool. You heard me right, indoor swimming pool. I found out we had one of these this morning, when I asked Carlo how we were fitting so many people into a hot tub. Turns out it's a heated indoor swimming pool with a massive hot tub along with it. It made me realise how ridiculously rich my family is. Georgia and I were following Ava, since we had no idea where this pool was.

As we walk into the room, the strong smell of chlorine washes over me. It feels like I'm five and walking into swimming lessons for the first time. All of the boys were already in the pool playing a game of volleyball, whilst the girls were sitting in the hot tub, gossiping. Evie, Olivia and Riley sitting there, tits practically falling out of their swim tops. They were the first to notice Ava, Georgia and I walk in, and were quick to give us disapproving glances.

"Ava bava! You're here!" Bruno squeals, and quickly jumps out the pool and scoops Ava up in a big hug.

"Hello to you too B." Ava laughs. Georgia and I let them be and walk over to a bench area, where Georgia drops the towels she bought for Ava, herself and I. I stand there and contemplate taking the shirt off and getting in, or just sitting and watching with my shirt on. As if she can read my mind, Georgia looks at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Chiara Rose." She sternly begins, but then I feel a sudden warmth behind me, and someone starts dripping water onto my shoulder. I turn around and see a smiling Carlo.

"You getting in?" He asks, and I turn to look at Georgia, seeing what her plan is.

"I am, but if Chiara gets in it means she'll have to take her shirt off." She says cheerily.

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