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tw - mention of self harm, eating disorders and sexual references.

Chiara's POV

"You sure you're okay?" Camila asks, walking in front of the pantry and blocking my view of the field. It's Tuesday, the boys went back to school yesterday but for some reason I'm not allowed to go back. Tino said that we can reassess tomorrow night, and go from there.

I think it's complete bullshit, but I don't really get a choice.

"I'm fine, Camila." I sigh, turning away from the pantry and walking over to the fridge to find something to eat. I'm hungry, but no food sounds good and it's really starting to piss me off.

"Chiara, you've had a big weekend and you don't look like you've slept much." She asks, now walking over and blocking my view of the fridge. I appreciate that she's checking up on me, but I'd appreciate it even more if she could do it without interrupting my search for food.

And she's right, between getting raped and figuring out I was sexually assaulted over Halloween does make it a big weekend. Not the type of big weekend I wanted, but I'll get over it. And I'm fine, I really am. If anything, I'm just pissed off at the world, which I have every right to be. I also haven't had more than 8 hours of sleep in the past 72 hours, which probably isn't healthy.

"I'm fine Camila, promise." I huff, gently moving her out of the way so I can open the freezer.

"You know, if you don't want to talk to me about it, we can always sort something out for you." Therapy. She means therapy. I don't want therapy, I don't need therapy.

"No." I grumble as I pick up the vanilla ice cream. Maybe a chocolate milkshake will fix my mood, I sure hope it does.

"Well, you didn't hear this from me, but Gi and Tino are thinking about getting you a therapist." She says, grabbing a spoonful of ice cream, I'm not entirely sure where she grabbed that spoon from.

"What?" I choke. Yeah, no. I'm not going to therapy, they can try and bribe me or whatever but I refuse to go. I just don't think it's for me, I understand how it helps with others, but I'm just not one of those people.

"Oh relax, they're not going to force you to go or make you go on one of those well being camps. I mean, if they do I'll help you escape. If they think you need it, they'll have a chat with you first." She says with a mouth full of ice cream. She's completely relaxed, she seems fairly confident that they aren't going to force me into therapy. Which makes me a little more relieved.

Before I have the chance to respond Tino comes storming up the stairs from the basement, looking sounding less then impressed. Naturally I start thinking of anything I've done recently to make him mad, and apart from killing his father, being raped, being sexually assaulted and just being an overall pain in the ass, I can't think of anything I could've done.

"Rocco's ended up in the principal's office, I've gotta go convince what's his face not to suspend him." He grunts, searching through the fridge for something.

"I'll come with, I can be more convincing than you." Camila says, plopping her spoon in the dishwasher and quickly rinsing her hands under the sink. Tino turns to me as he's gulping down a cold bottle of water.

"You'll be okay here for an hour? Riccardo and Romeo are down stairs if you need anything." He asks. It would probably be rude if I scoffed right now, so I do my best to keep it in.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I mutter and Tino kisses the top of my head and Camila blows me a kiss as they both walk out together. I don't miss Camila slapping Tino's ass and then running away from him, with Tino running straight after her. Ew.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now