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Chiara's POV

Cleaning myself up, I get ready to leave the bathroom and rejoin the party. Hamish, or whatever his name was, left a few minutes ago after I kicked him out. I finished him off, and he started trying to return the favour. I don't think I'm ready to do anything like that, I would've preferred to end it with another make-out sesh.

But he pushed so much that he pissed me off, and the thought of his tongue being down my throat made me want to vomit, hence why I kicked him out. I also think I damaged his ego a little bit, but I know for a fact he enjoyed the head.

I look at myself in the mirror, and I found no evidence whatsoever of me being with a guy. I leave the bathroom, just to be met with my sexy criminal leaning up against the wall directly in front of the door. What on Earth is he doing here?

"Milo, hey, is everything okay?" I ask nervously, he saw Hamish and I in the kitchen and I assume he just saw Hamish leave the bathroom. Shit he looked mad, is he going to tell my brothers? I hope not, I don't want to be in trouble. I have no idea what their punishments are like, I don't know what to prepare myself for. The thought of them hurting me scared.

Milo stayed silent, and slowly started walking towards me, backing me into the bathroom. He looked mad, what on Earth was he doing? My breathing became shallow, I'm so confused

He kept following me into the bathroom, maintaining around a foots distance between the both of us. He shut the door behind him, and I think he even locked it, what was he planning on doing to me in here. At this stage I was backed up against the shower screen and he was standing there, looking extremely pissed off.

It gave me a better opportunity to have a look at him, and the only noticeable distance was that there was makeup smudged all over his face and his lips were slightly swollen.

"Use your words Milo." I said calmly, he walked over to me and put his hand next to me head against the shower screen. That isn't what I thought he was going to do with his hand, and I flinched a little at his action. His face dropped.

"D-did you think I was going to hit you." He stuttered, I immediately felt a little guilty.

"No, no it's fine. It's fine, trust me." I rambled, and I could sense him tensing and breathing deeply, like he was trying to calm himself down.

"What do you even want." I manage to say, trying to shift away from him. He got the message and pulled away from me, giving me a little space. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Fix your dress." He mumbled. I looked down at myself and my boobs were about to fall out my ass cheeks were practically on display for everyone. "Fuck" I muttered, fixing my dress so I was covered appropriately.

"Your lips are swollen." He mumbled, what the fuck? What was the point in bringing me in here, he could've told me about my dress as I was walking out.

"Yours are too, and you've got makeup smudged all around your face." I scoff, and his face drops and he rushes to the mirror. He immediately starts rubbing at his face to try and get rid of it. I roll my eyes and walking over, standing next to him.

"That's not going to do shit. Here, hop up I'll fix it for you." I say, patting the counter space. He immediately listens, and hops up on the counter, swinging his legs over the edge of the counter. I start looking around in the draws, and find some old make up wipes. They look at bit old, but they'll do.

I spread his legs open a little bit so I can fit in there, and have better access to his face. I start wiping the makeup away, and I can feel his eyes studying me. I look at his eyes and he's looking at me weirdly, what is going on in his brain?

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