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Chiara's POV

"Rise and shine Chiara. It's time to seize the day! The world is your oyster!" Is what I'm woken up to on this fine Monday morning. I couldn't be happier, I love Mondays! So so much! I groan and roll over onto my stomach, digging my face in my pillow and throwing the quilt back over my head.

We'd gotten back from out little getaway on Thursday last week, and Dad decided we'd stay home as a family until Monday, which is today. Everyone would be going back to school today. Tino went back to work on Friday and over the weekend. Wait, school. I'm starting school today.

With that thought, I quickly shoot up out of bed and hear a grown come from beside me. I look beside me and see Carlo rubbing his nose, I must've hit him in my panic. I give him a sheepish smile whilst he just glares at me.

It's been okay between us, I'm still not ready to fully forgive him and he's respected that. We've hung out and talked a little bit but he's given me space and hasn't pushed anything onto me, which I've really appreciated. Not going to lie, I do miss him a fair amount, but then again he practically threw my trust away and then blew it up. 

Bringing myself back to reality, I flop my legs over the end of the bed and stand up. Carlo silently exited the room behind me, muttering to himself as we went. Actually, he might have been talking to me but I definitely was not listening.

When he shut the door behind him I quickly went off to get ready for the day. I made the decision to skip a shower, since I showered late last night and was planning on showering later tonight.

I washed my face and moisturised, and then decided to do a tad bit of makeup. That bit of makeup was some mascara, clear brow gel and a little bit of concealer on some pimples. My hair looked rough, so I threw it into a messy plait at the back of my head. I took a few pieces out the front to frame my face a little.

Looking back into my reflection at that moment, I thought I looked pretty. My face looked more lively, it had filled out a little more. My cheek bones were healthily defined and the bags under my eyes had started to fade away. The sparkle in my eyes was slowly coming back, although it wasn't quite there yet.

Taking myself away from the mirror, I headed into my closet to put on my new school uniform. I was very thankful that this school had a uniform, I couldn't imagine picking out a different outfit everyday. 

The uniform was a red plaid skirt, with a little bit of blue on it. It had a matching tie with a white button up skirt and a grey blazer to top it all off. It also had knee high grey socks that I wore with my black doc martens.

 It also had knee high grey socks that I wore with my black doc martens

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(kinda like this)

I quickly put all of it on, tucking the shirt into my skirt and throwing the tie and blazer on over the top. I pulled on the socks and my Doc Martens, quickly tying the laces before heading downstairs to grab some breakfast.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now