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tw - mention of self harm, drug use and eating disorders. please be aware it does come up outside the nightmare as well <3

Chiara's POV

*Nightmare starting* tw - mention of self harm and drug use

This room fucking stinks like shit, and why is it pitch black? Can they turn a light on in here? Wait maybe if I get up I can turn one on myself.

So I try to get up, and then discover that I am in fact tied to the chair I'm sitting in.

And that's how I know that this is a nightmare, I must've managed to get to sleep. I wish I didn't.

"Hello, tesoro." Someone sneers from the darkness, but I immediately knew who it was based off the nickname.


"How are you?" He asks, his face finally emerging from the shadows. He looked different, his usual tan face was pasty and there was no shine in his blue eyes. And the closer he got, I noticed something completely different, there was white powder littered on his nose. This wasn't like Dad. Before I even had the chance to answer, he cut me off.

"Don't answer because I don't actually care. However, I've bought a guest with me today." He says, and then I saw a feminine body start to emerge from the shadows.


"Mum?" I croaked, and then she appeared. Her curly brown hair that was usually identical to mine, was all knotted and gross. She looked pale like usual, and also had power on her nose, like usual. She'd gotten to Dad.

"Chiara, sweetie. You look like you've gained weight, weight that a murderer like you doesn't deserve." She sneered. Ouch, that hit a sore spot. When I didn't respond to her she continued walking closer to me, until she was right in my face.

"You've always been a shit of a kid, it's no surprise you killed us." She said, gripping onto my chin tightly as she did.

"I'm sorry, Mumma, I'm so so sorry." I cried, and then tears started involuntarily rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't cry, why was I crying?

"Sorry isn't good enough, bitch." She spat, and gave me a harsh slap across my face. Then the tears started rolling faster and faster, but I didn't say anything. She continued looking at me, now lightly touching the skin around my wrists, I knew what was coming next.

"Such a shame all these scars are gone, you really deserved them. Would it really hurt anyone for you to start doing it again?" She said, a mischievous smile now coming across her face. Then Dad appeared right behind her, with a knife in his hand and my face dropped.

"No, no, please no." I cried, squirming in my seat as if the ropes had suddenly disappeared.

She looked me right in the eye as she brought the knife up to my wrist, and slashed it against my ski, and over and over again. I sat there in shock, watching blood slowly overtake my wrist. But I felt weird, I felt like I could breathe properly again.

Then a tray filled with little white lines suddenly appeared on my lap, and my arm was still bleeding out. It hurt, oh it hurt so much, but there was so much going on I was so confused. Mum brought her nose down to the tray, and snorted every single line that was on it. She wiped it clean, and then stumbled upwards.

A loud bang went off - a gunshot. I looked to Dad and he was bleeding out of a gunshot wound.

"NO!" I yelled, and then looked down to my hand, which was now holding a gun.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now