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Chiara's POV

open the door and let me in please
it's a little cold outside

okay, i'll be there in a second
wait why can't you just ring the door bell
i think gi's in the kitchen

let me in and you'll find out.

I'm standing at the front door, wearing Judes clothes and terrified to go inside. I know the second I walk in that door, I'll be swarmed with questions I don't want to answer. They'll be mad at me, they'll get mad at me before I even have the chance to explain that I didn't have sex tonight, and even if I did it would be none of their business.

I'm pulled out of my mental hole by Carlo opening the door, he gives me a quick once over before stepping out onto the porch and shutting the door behind me. He takes a deep breath before giving me a very sorrowful look.

"They're going to attack you! I thought you said you weren't gonna do anything with him!" Carlo says quickly, a panicked expression quickly overtaking his sorrowful one.

"That's the thing, all we did was make out! I spilt sprite all over my uniform and he gave me this to put on because my uniform was all gross! But they won't even let me explain and will jump straight to conclusions." I huff, and Carlo nods, agreeing with me.

"Yeah, I don't really care what you did with him, I'm more focused on getting you through the house to your room alive." Carlo says, running over a hand his face out of stress.

Carlo's face lights up like he's finally thought of an idea, but as he opens his mouth Gi yells from inside, "Carlo! Who's out there?" And seconds later the door is opened by Gi.

I quickly look at Carlo out of the corner of my eye, and I'm pretty sure his shocked and scared expression is mirroring mine. Gi gives me a quick once over, and then clears his throat. Shit. Actually, if he decides to get mad at me I'll just scream and him and ask Camila for back up. I'll be fine. Totally. Not.

"How was your friends house?" He asks, a fake smile spreading across his face.

"It was really good thanks." I say, faking my cheery tone. Realistically, I'm shitting myself.

"That's great! I hope you got lots of work done." He adds, eyeing me weirdly like he expects me to confess right here right now.

"Yup, we were very productive." I say, not needing to lie at all. Jude and I both managed to get a lot of work done, which actually surprised me. Turns out I was a little behind as well, so we managed to help each other. I helped him in more ways then one.

Gi misses a beat before responding, "I'm glad, why don't you go shower and change before dinner. I've just cooked some butter chicken." He says as he opens the door a little wider. How nice of him to let me into my own home. I take up his offer very quickly, and I'm inside at the speed of light with Carlo quick on my heels behind me.

"Milo and Gio have been yelling for you like mad, Carlo, might wanna go check in them." I here Gi murmur from behind me, and everything inside of me freezes. No, no it doesn't. My body doesn't react weirdly whenever Milo's name is mentioned.

Everything actually freezes when Rocco bounces down the stairs, his eyes already looking my outfit up and down. The oversized brown hoodie with some city or whatever written on the front of it, and the grey sweatpants that are rolled up thousands of times at the waist so they fit. None of which are mine, they're all Judes, and Rocco knows immediately that they're a boys.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now