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tw - mention of drug use, alcohol, self harm and suicide. please don't push yourself, there will not be warnings before specific scenes xo

Chiara's POV

"Okay everyone! Your assignment will be due at the end of next lesson! Make sure you're all on top of you work and email me if you have any questions!" Mr DeSilva yells to the class as the lunch bell goes. No one's really listening as they try to make their way out of class as soon as possible.

"I've gotta go to the toilet, save me a seat please?" Carlo says as we step out the door.

"Yeah of course, no problem." I say, and he quickly nods at me before disappearing into the sea of students. I try my best to stay on two feet as someone barges into me, my hand protectively flying to cover the bandage hidden under my blazer sleeve.

"Sorry." The person mumbles, disappearing down the hallway before I even have the chance to look at them. Okay, it's okay. I'm safe here. That person didn't run into me on purpose.

Ever since my little moment on Sunday night, I've felt weird. I don't really know how to describe it, it's like a mixture of guilt and fear? Like I'm scared of everything, then I'm guilty of feeling that way. There's also that little bit of guilt for scaring my brothers and all that business.

They're acting funny. Like if they say one wrong thing to me I'll break. And I hate it. Rocco's even being nice to me, he hasn't insulted me once in the past 24 hours. And that's extremely concerning.

I want them to treat me normally. Scratch that, I just want them to treat me differently then they are now. I mean, they could be mad at me for all I care. They should be mad at me, considering I screwed up their lives.

But I'm fine, physically at least. I'm still waiting on my blood test results before we can figure out a plan of action. My cyst really isn't that big of a deal, but when the younger four found out about it they almost had kittens. Val's thinking about putting me on sleep medication, just to make sure Sunday night never happens again.

"Chiara!" I hear someone yell, and I'm pulled out of my mind to find Sydney and a few of her friends standing by her locker. They're the nice girls on the cheer team, compared to fuckface and her minions.

"Syd, hey! How are you?" I say, a genuine smile coming across my face. It's fun not having to fake a smile around certain people.

"I'm good thanks, just wanted to let you know that my parents are out of town tonight so we're having a little thing at my house! Nothing big, but big at the same time and you're invited. If you need, I'm more then happy for you to sleep over as well, because I actually like you." She explains, a warm smile coming across her face.

Okay, something like this could be good for me to get out the house and hang out with some girls. But she's on the cheer team, surely that means she invited Olivia and whatever.

"Olivia and her minions aren't allowed in my house if you're worried about them." Sydney quickly adds, reading my mind. A sigh of relief comes out of me, okay yeah. I just need to convince Tino to let me go now.

"Yeah actually I think I will come, I just have to message Tino to make sure." I say, genuine excitement washing over me. Maybe a break from my brothers is what I need.

"Okay cool! Just let me know how everything goes, and I'll see you tonight! Make sure you look hot, there'll be guys there as well. Oh, and girls." She says, finishing it off with a wink and walking off.

Okay, so I need to look hot. I can do that, I'll just have to wear a baggy hoodie and sweats when I leave the house so my brothers don't suspect anything when I leave. I quickly pull out my phone and quickly send Tino a message.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now