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hello my gorgeous lovely people, make sure u comment. u guys make me insanely happy with your commentary

tw - slight mention of rape, abuse and self harm

Chiara's POV

I'm in a car. Ms Berry is driving me in a car to go to the airport. Once I get to that airport, I'll somehow end up on a plane. Then somehow that plane will be in the air (I genuinely don't understand how planes fly but don't tell anyone). Then somehow that plane will land in New York, and I'll be off living with my new family. Because Mum and John are dead.

Mum is dead. Like her heart isn't beating anymore. I'm not going to have to worry about putting her to bed tomorrow night. I'm not going to have to clean her up after she passes out and wets herself in the middle of the kitchen.

And John... Well, I'd rather not talk about the things I'll no longer have to experience now that he's very much dead. I'm not sad that he's dead if I'm being completely honest.

It's dead silent in the car, Ms Berry and I talked a tiny bit. It was mainly about school and my friends, and a bit about her life as well. She could obviously tell I was tired and didn't want to talk, so she let me go off into my own world. I was just happy she didn't ask about my home life.

When we finally arrive at the airport, I can't help but notice Ms Berry makes a wrong turn. From memory, we have to keep driving to the main building, but Ms Berry has started driving us elsewhere.

Shit, am I getting kidnapped? Maybe this is someone else pretending to be Ms Berry. What if it's one of Mum and John's friends?

"Chiara sweetheart, don't stress, I'm not kidnapping you. Your father has just arranged for you to get to New York on a private jet." Ms Berry says softly, probably realising my rising panic. But shit, a private jet! What the fuck is going on? Holy shit. My new family must be rich. Like really rich.

It's honestly such a blur, next thing I know Ms Berry is hugging me whilst they load my singular bag of stuff onto the plane. I think she's telling me to call her if she needs anything, but I honestly don't know. Somehow her card ends up in my hand.

And then suddenly, I'm sitting in this fancy-ass modern jet thing, it looks like something Kim Kardashian would fly around the world in. Wait maybe it is, maybe Kim Kardashian has sat in this exact seat before.

The flight attendant is standing right in front of running me through safety details, whilst also assuring me that I won't need to use them. But I'm not really paying attention to her.

I'm waiting for her to tell me that this is all a joke, then to run out of the plane whilst I'm left in here as it goes up in flames. But now she's gone, telling me that she'll be in the front section of the plane if I need anything. Maybe it'll blow up in a few seconds?

And then I'm floating in a big metal machine, thousands of meters above Sydney Harbour. It looks really pretty up here, but I'm more concerned about the fact that I'm sitting in a fancy private jet. I'm too scared to even touch anything because I know for a fact that I'll probably break it. I'm not sure why the flight attendant left me here alone, I'm probably some sort of risk.

But being up in the air is extremely boring, and we've only been in the air for like ten minutes, but I'm not kidding when I say it feels like 4 hours. I'm not too sure how I'm going to cope for like twenty hours of this.

Plus my phone is dead and I'm too scared to ask for a charger. And the five books I own are in the luggage part under where I'm sitting. So, I decide to make a list of mental promises to myself about my new life;

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now