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tw - slight mention of self harm, there will be no mention of it before the scene, so please be careful and only do what you feel comfortable with <3

Chiara's POV

It was the day after, well, the kiss if you will. It was actually now a Sunday, and I had gotten little to no sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about it and him.

If I'm being completely honest, it was the most amazing kiss I had ever experienced. It made my body tingle in ways I'd never felt before, and the amount of adrenaline pumping through my body was bonkers. And he was the one to lean in, does that mean he felt the same way? I couldn't help but wonder if the kiss made him feel the same way it made me feel. 

And then I felt guilty, I kissed Carlo's best friend. And that was also when I decided that it couldn't happen again, like ever. I didn't want to make Carlo feel like I'd stolen his friends or anything.

Now I'm here, lying on the couch in Dads office, trying to focus on the book in front of me. I'd been spending a lot of time in Dads office recently, only his upstairs one though. I was too scared to go into the basement, and I also made sure Dad was always in the office when I was.

We just sat there in complete silence, him typing away on his laptop, or looking through papers or on a call with someone. I'd sit on the couch reading a book, on my phone, or doing my homework. I don't know why I did it, but I think it comforts both of us just having each other around. If he didn't want me there then I'm sure he'd kick me out of there within a second.

Right now, I was struggling to focus on my book because I was in the middle of the make out scene, and all I could think about was Emilio. He would not leave my head, and the whole point of reading this book was to try and distract me from him. Dad was typing away on his phone, and it felt weird kinda of fantasising about Emilio with him sitting right there.

Then in stroll Agostino and Giacomo, Tino wearing his usual suit and Giacomo looks like he'd rather be asleep right now with his grey sweatpants and black t-shirt that was borderline too small for him. Tino takes one of the two seats opposite dads desk, and Giacomo lifts by legs up and sits on the couch, my legs on his lap.

"And that's my que to leave." I say, swinging my legs off of Gi's lap, going to get up but he quickly grabs my legs and swings them back over.

"Nope, apparently we're here to talk to you." Gi states, oh god. 

"I can't think of anything I've done wrong though." I say confusedly, and Agostino sighs and rubs his hands over his face.

"I'm glad to hear that, Chiara." Dad says. 

"Whatcha reading?" Giacomo says and reaches over and snatches the book out of my hands. Shit, wait, I was on a make out scene. But I look over and it's too late, Giacomo is now reading the page with his eyebrows drawn together tightly. Then he hits the make out scene and his eyebrows jolt upwards and his jaw drops and his eyes look like they could fall out of his head.

"Chiara Rose Bernardi! This is a make out scene! You innocent eyes shouldn't be reading this." He exclaims, and starts frantically flipping through the pages to see if it gets any worse, which it does but later in the book. Had they forgotten that Rocco told everyone that I gave a guy head? My eyes aren't that innocent.

"It's a romance book Gi, calm down." I sigh, and reach over and grab the book out of his hands. I find the page I was on and slide my bookmark into it, I assume I won't be getting much more reading done right now.

"It's called Beach Read. That doesn't sound like a romance book." He asks.

"I've already read it anyways, I'm rereading it now. It's not the end of the world." I sigh. I couldn't be bothered getting into my to be read pile, and the fact I already knew how this ended gave me comfort. Dad and Agostino just look at the both of us like we've grown two heads, and I don't blame them.

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