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tw - mention of rape, sexual assault, drug and alcohol use.

Chiara's POV

"God I am so hungover." Rocco groans, stomping down the stairs and slumping into a free stool at the kitchen island. Dad quickly looks over his shoulder to assess Rocco, before turning his attention back to the bacon and eggs on the stove in front of him.

"Maybe if you drank responsibly, you'd be fine." Dad says with an amused smile on his face, and his attention is then caught by more stomping feet coming down the stairs.

"Is that bacon? Yes fucking please." Bruno says, slipping onto the stool beside me. He's then followed by Enzo, who walks straight to the coffee machine. Bruno's face lights up even more when Dad slides him two pieces of toast, an egg, and a fat stack of bacon on a plate.

"Thank you." Bruno mumbles, quickly putting all the food into the form of a sandwich and stuffing it in his mouth. I scrunch my nose up in disgust and take a much smaller bite out of my own bacon and egg sandwich.

I'm starving, but I also feel like I'm going to throw up. I ended up having to drink the king cup, and it was absolutely foul. Rocco insisted on taking a small sip before I sculled it, and threw up from that one sip. However, spending most of my teenage years in Australia basically trained me for this moment, so I was able to scull the entire thing without even flinching. Or throwing up.

It was absolutely disgusting, I wanted to throw up the second it hit my tongue. But I didn't. The drink wasn't strong alcohol-wise, just the mixture of all the different flavours was gross. And I can still taste it on my tongue, even though I brushed my teeth for 5 minutes last night and have devoured multiple pieces of gum.

"Well, good morning sunshine." Dad says, and then suddenly Tino is standing next to me, looking less than impressed.

"You're dead to me." Tino says, glaring at Rocco. Rocco just laughs, not really taking what Tino says seriously.

"Don't get mad at me, you're the one who listened to an 18-year-old. You should know better at your wise age." Rocco scoffs and then redirects his attention to the bacon and egg sandwich in front of him. He somehow got a chocolate muffin too, I want a chocolate muffin.

"Hey, don't eat your sister's food. Come get your own." Dad says, leaning over and smacking Tino's arms with a spatula. It's too late, he's already taken a fat chunk out of my sandwich. It's not like I was going to finish it anyway, but now his mouth has been near it, I won't be touching it again.

"She won't finish it," Tino tells Dad, and then shifts his attention to me, "Feeling a little sick this morning, Chiara?" Tino asks with a cocky smile on his face. I just narrow my eyes at him, but both of our attention shifts to Dad when he lets out a gasp.

"Not you as well." Dad says, sounding more impressed than mad, "You're a bad influence, Agostino, do better." Dad finishes, and then quickly turns around. And he turned around quickly to hide the growing smile on his face. He doesn't care that I was drinking, because I told him I was drinking earlier. He's just trying to make Tino feel bad.

"How bad was Carlo? How long do I need to let him sleep?" Dad asks, turning back around and putting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Tino, and then throwing a toasted bagel with it.

"He'll be fine. He passed out first, and I carried him up from the couch. The lanky fucker's limbs are getting harder to carry, pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my back." Tino says, stretching his back with a frown on his face. Dad just rolls his eyes whilst Rocco snorts, and our attention moves to stomping feet coming down the stairs.

Carlo wordlessly slides into the other spare seat next to me, and I don't get the opportunity to properly look at his face as he's already hunched over the bench, looking ready to fall back asleep. Dad just stands on the other side of the bench, looking at him with amusement all over his face. No one utters a word as Dad grabs a plate of food, electrolyte water, normal water, and two pain relief pills.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now