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make sure to comment, i have a feeling you'll like this one. kisses for u all bc ily xo

tw - mention of mature scenes, drug use and alcohol

Emilio's POV

"Fucking hell Milo, focus on the screen, will you? Some of us would actually like to win the game." Carlo grumbles from where he's seated on the bed beside me. It takes everything in me not to kill him in the game, despite the fact we're on the same team. I don't have the opportunity to ruin the game, Gio does it for me.

"He's too busy daydreaming about a certain Bernardi." He says, popping up from where he's sitting on a bean bag at the foot of the bed. Then he starts wiggling his eyebrows at me, and suddenly the idea of throwing this controller at his head sounds like an excellent idea.

"Aw Milo, it's okay. We won't tell anyone about your little crush on me, you wouldn't be the only one to daydream about me." Carlo pouts from beside me, and Gio bursts out into laughter. I hate it here. I hate everyone.

"Shut the fuck up, why am I even friends with you guys?" I grumble, distracting myself by flicking through the different characters in the game we're playing. Gio finally pops his head back up at the end of the bed, clearly finished with his fit of laughter. I personally don't know what they find so amusing.

"I really don't get why you haven't made a move yet. It's so clear you're hung up on her, and she's definitely feeling something funky for you. You guys aren't very good at hiding it." Gio says, his curious gaze burning holes into my soul. The funky feeling she feels for me is pure hatred, I'm not even kidding.

"Why would I make a move on Carlo? I'm very much straight. And even if I did like men, I really don't think you'd be my type C, sorry to burst your bubble." I say, choosing to play dumb for multiple reasons.

The main one is that I have made a move on Chiara. Multiple times in fact, and every single time she's somehow shot it down by playing that stupid fucking 'just friends' card. I wanted to rip that card up, piss on it and then burn it, I hated it so fucking much. I don't think anything has ever made me as angry as that excuse has. Especially when it's so blatantly obvious that we are something more than friends. I mean, even Gio's noticed, and he's not very switched on in the head.

"You and Chiara are possibly two of the most intellectually smart people I know," Carlo begins, and I know he's about to absolutely destroy me since he started with a compliment. "But this is some of the most idiotic behaviour I have ever witnessed. And I live with Rocco, Enzo and Bruno Bernardi. I've seen some stupid shit." And there he goes.

I don't even have the opportunity to defend myself before Gio buts in, "I completely agree. I never knew two so smart people could be so completely and utterly blind."

"Thanks, guys, I'm so lucky to have you two as my best friends." I drawl sarcastically, and I can feel Carlo's accusing glaze glaring into the side of my face. I'm still too busy focused on finding a decent character, I found one I liked ages ago I just don't want to look at anyone.

"You do realise I really don't care, you two deserve to be happy and do what you want." Carlo states for like the sixty thousandth time ever. I'm very very aware that he doesn't care, but Chiara seems to think otherwise. Even though Carlo has told her he doesn't care.

So she's still convinced we're better off just as friends. And I'm not usually this bad, but I really want to fuck the word 'friends' out of her mind. I've wanted to do it ever since the word first came out of her mouth in relation to us, long before we got Carlo's stamp of approval.

"You're her brother, aren't you supposed to threaten my life or some shit?" I ask confusedly, finally turning my gaze to meet his. Amusement washes over his face, I'm honestly surprised he doesn't just start laughing at me.

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