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double update bc ily, make sure u comment, i have a feeling you'll like this one xo

tw - mention of mature scenes, drug use and alcohol

Chiara's POV

"Because we're just-." I begin, but I'm cut off very aggressively by a worked-up Milo.

"More than friends. We are more than friends, Chiara." He says, looking me dead in the eye whilst he does.

I hate how he won't drop this whole "we're more than friends thing". I mean, yeah I have feelings for him. But something I'm very good at is ignoring my feelings, so why would I stop doing it now? We can't be together. Not now, at least.

"Carlo did talk to you, didn't he? About how he doesn't give two shits if we got together." Milo asks with squinted eyes when I don't respond. He did talk to me and he did indeed express how little he cared about Milo and I's romantic/sexual escapades. But something inside me still feels guilty about the fact that I'll be dating his best friend.

"Mhm," I mumble. I only respond because I want Milo to stop staring into my fucking soul and leave my room, but my response just makes him stare harder. What the fuck is his problem, if he needs to get laid so desperately surely he can just go bone a chick at a party. He's hot, the only turn-off he'd have is a possible small dick or poor performance in bed. However, I have seen the outline of his boner and it isn't small, and something tells me he's more than good in bed.

"Right. So why are you still in denial that you're basically obsessed with me?" He says, waayyy too comfortably for my liking. Who the fuck does he think he is? I am in no way shape or form obsessed with him. If anything, he's more obsessed with him.

"I am not obsessed with you. Don't get too up yourself." I scoff and try to busy myself with the book reorganising in front of me. Maybe if I concentrate hard enough, the Gods will come down and take Milo away and dump him back into Carlo's room, where he belongs.

"Okay, but I dare you to look me in the eye and tell me you don't have feelings for me." He says. I can't do that, because I'm a pretty shit liar. Especially when I have to actually look someone in the eyes and lie to their face. I don't give Milo the time of day with that question, which gives him his answer.

I, Chiara Rose Bernardi, have feelings for Emilio Orlando Marino.

"Aw, I'm flattered. I have real-life feelings for you too, Bernardi. Maybe we should get together and do something about them." He says, and this time I find the confidence to turn and look him in the eye. The big smile on his face makes my insides melt a little, I almost find myself agreeing with him.

"We can't Milo, you know that." I sigh, and when I go to reach for another book to distract myself, Milo stops me. He grabs my hand, and because of the floorboards in my room, he's able to fully twist my body so it's facing him very easily.

"Why not Ki, give me some good reasons and I'll leave you alone." He says, and the way he hasn't let go of my hands makes me all giggly and nervous. And I don't get giggly and nervous over men, not even with any females either. Although, if Dove Cameron were to walk through the door I would get all giggly and nervous.

"Our families are so close Milo, we can't do it to them." I sigh, and when I try to tug my hands away from his, he tightens his grip. Looks like I'm not leaving until he gets what he wants, and I don't want to give him what he wants.

"Why not? I think that they'd be a little mad at first, and then be grateful it's me and not some loser from school you're dating. They'd be happy for us, hell I know my Dad would be over the moon." He explains, and I try not to roll my eyes. I hate that he's right, my family loves Milo most of the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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