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Chiara's POV

"Bene, scopri come sono entrati. Ora, o giuro che ucciderò qualcuno!" Agostino yelled into the phone as he was pacing around the room they put us in.

(translation - Well figure out how they got in there. Now, or I swear I'll kill someone!)

The strong sterile smell was annoying me, it made me feel sick.

"Dad's strong, he'll get through it, right?" Carlo mumbled from beside me. Once we heard the gunshots, all arguments were forgotten. We needed each other now more than ever. Although, I hadn't forgotten, I'd just archived the memory.

It'd been a blur from when I heard the gunshot to when we got here. I remember a series of gunshots going off, and then the circle quickly disappearing and Gi hovering over Dad. I think Carlo had quickly clutched onto my arm at one stage, and I did the same to him. We were petrified, everyone was. I must've walked to a car, or maybe I was carried? I'm not too sure, but I'm here now.

"That's the spirit bud, just wait until we hear from the doctors or Gi. Then we'll start worrying." Giuseppe said.

All my brothers were in the room, including the Marino's, Nonna, Nonno, and our aunties and uncles. The cousins were told to go home because they didn't want to crowd the room too much. Giuseppe's wife also went home, even though I don't remember meeting her.

"It didn't look that bad, did it?" Bruno said, anxiously biting at his nails. Enzo was squished in a small two seater seat next to him, but they clearly didn't mind.

"I don't know, Gi and Val are the doctors and neither of them are in here." Zio Francesco shrugged. Gi was where ever Dad was being treated, and Val was somewhere else in the hospital. Wouldn't be surprised if she was delivering a baby now.

Then a tense silence settled over the room, the only noise that could be heard was the biting of Bruno's nails. There was also a lot of heavy breathing going on, one of them being Rocco's who was squished right up against me. Someone thought it'd be a good idea for Caro, Rocco and I to sit in a chair that could hold three normal people, but only two Bernardi sized people. It's safe to say that I was very squished.

"Stop bouncing your leg." Rocco spits, and then I figure out he's talking to me, I didn't even realise it was bouncing up and down.

"Sorry, I didn't realise." I mumble, and quickly move my leg over the other, hoping that it would stop it. I start tapping my thumb to each of my fingers, trying to find another way to stand still.

"Can you just sit still." Carlo randomly says, and then I put my hands in my lap, stopping myself from doing that.

I'm on the verge of a panic attack, I can feel it, but I can't have one. Not here, not now, my brothers don't need another burden to deal with. They're all stressed, that's why Rocco and Carlo are acting like this.

"For fucksakes, can you move over. I'm all squished here." Rocco exclaims, and that draws the attention of everyone in the room. He suddenly gives my legs a quick, but strong shove with his and I go flying into Carlos side.

"What Chiara? Personal space please?" He says, and gently pushes me off of him. And suddenly, I can't breathe, and it sounds like a good time to pee.

"Lucky for you two, I need to pee." I say, my voice cracking a little when I do. I just hope it's nothing noticeable. I quickly get up and run into the bathroom, careful not to breakdown on my way in there. As much as I want to, I resist the urge to slam the door shut and shut it like a normal person would.

I sighed as I locked the door, and slowly walk over to the sink and look at myself in the mirror. I didn't look the greatest, my makeup had all beens smudged a little from I don't even know what and my sweat was slowly wiping my makeup off. My feet were comfortable though, I managed to change into my converses at some point before the whole shooting thing or whatever.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now