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Chiara's POV

"Please Chiara." Giovanni whined and rolled on top of my legs. I rolled my eyes and quickly shoved him off. Him, Emilio and Carlo were currently pestering me in the lounge room, whilst I was trying to read my book in peace.

"Why do I need to teach you how to figure skate again?" I asked.

"Because we had an argument about who would be better, and it's obviously going to be me so I have to prove it." Carlo says in a 'duh' tone.

"Right, but you don't have figure skates." I said reluctantly.

"We'll just make do with what we've got, even if it ruins our skates." Giovanni exclaims.

"Fine, get out so I can get changed and meet me at the rink." I grumble, and start walking to my room.

"I'm gonna beat all your asses." Giovanni squeals and runs out of the room, with the other two following quickly behind. I took my time changing into a matching sports bra and leggings, I grabbed my skates and quickly headed down the the rink.

I was the first one in here, so I set down my speaker and phone and quickly put my skates on, wanting to get on the ice before the others get here. I quickly got on the ice, and just skated around in circles, not doing any fancy tricks or anything, just getting a feel for the ice.

As I'm skating around, I hear a bunch of chit chat come in through the door. And then walk in the three musketeers, looking as idiotic as usual. They all sit down and put their skates on, not batting an eye in my direction, and all somehow doing it in sync. Carlo was the first to spot me, and practically ran over to me on the ice.

"Chiara! Help me prove to them I'm the best!" He exclaims, and then quickly stops in front of me, spraying ice all over me. I look behind him and Giovanni is following quickly behind him, whilst Emilio is following slowly behind him, staring at me. Well more particularly, my body. Did I look bad or something? I knew this bra made my boobs look weird, now he probably things I'm ugly.

"Yeah Chiara! C'mon, give us your hardest trick." Giovanni exclaims.

"First off, you need to stretch and warm up. Do a few laps of the ice and stretch a little whilst you're doing it." I say, rolling my eyes. They all groan but quickly get into action, chasing each other around the ice and Carlo occasionally squealing whilst Emilio rolls his eyes. They quickly warm themselves up, and before I know it they're standing back in front of me.

"We're ready!" Giovanni exclaims, whilst I sigh.

"Okay, how about we start with a double axel?" I ask. Was I setting them up for failure so that they'd give up and leave me alone? Yes. Was I going to tell them that? No.

"Psh, that sounds easy peasy." Carlo says, Emilio stands there quietly, watching me with wide eyes.

"Well it's actually one of the harder jumps to do, since it's the only one where you take off going forward, but also land backwards which adds an extra half rotation. So in a double axel you rotate 2 and a half times." I explain, whilst also getting into position to demonstrate.

"English?" Emilio asks.

"Just watch." I sigh, and quickly start skating. When it feels right, I launch myself into the air and rotate two and a half times, landing smoothly going backwards. I look over at the boys and they all have wide eyes and their jaws are practically on the floor.

"Easy, watch this." Giovanni exclaims, quickly regaining his confidence. He starts skating and throws himself up in the air, but his arm comes through too early and pre rotates on the take off. This stuffs up his timing and just the entire movement, and he ends up on his ass on the ice. Carlo and Emilio burst out laughing from behind me, and I let out a frustrated sigh, we're going to be here a while.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now