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hi, i'm back. comment as u go, ily

tw - alcohol use, and mentions of drugs and abuse

Chiara's POV

"Why do we have to be awake so early?" Rocco whines from wherever he's sitting in the car, I think he's in the middle of this van Dad rented from us? I don't really know, but I do know that Tino and Gi both let out very pained groans from the front end of the car.

"Okay, can we stop yelling." Tino groans, hanging his head in his hands. This causes Dad to roll his eyes, and everyone apart from Gi to laugh at them. Which probably doesn't help with his headache or issues with load noises.

"Don't you dare complain about your siblings. You were aware that everyone had to be awake at 4 am, but you still decided to stay out until 3 am. You're not hungover, you're still drunk." Dad explains with a sharp breath, clearly sick of parenting this morning. Not that I blame him, everyone's being extra annoying this morning, but I'm just being silent about it.

"I'm definitely still drunk. Very drunk." Gi sighs, banging his head repeatedly against his headrest. I slightly shrink back into my chair, I may be unintentionally avoiding them a teeny tiny bit. I'm still not sure what they're like drunk yet, and I doubt they're like John, but I can't find the confidence to be 100% certain about it. It's probably just my traumatic childhood speaking.

"Lucky for you, we're here now and you can sleep soon. And after you sleep, you can shower because you reek of booze." Dad sighs, aggressively opening his door. The second he steps out, all seven of us share a weary look, all silently telling each other that we should probably start behaving.

"Come on! Quicker we're in the plane the quicker you can sleep more." Dad yells from outside the car, and all of us are shuffling out of the car within seconds. I'm the last to get out, taking a few extra seconds to get my clothes sitting comfortably.

I find all of my brothers awkwardly huddling around each other, whilst Dad's busy talking to some guy wearing a high-vis vest. Clearly sensing my eyes on him, Dad's head moves to me and his eyes light up slightly, before moving to the rest of his children.

"Okay, roll call please." Dad yells out, causing Tino to groan.


"Giacomo" They both mutter their names very quietly, and their names don't really sound like English either.

"Rocco." Rocco yells extra loudly, directing it into Tino's ear. Which just earns him a sharp punch to the gut.

"Enzo." He says with a small smirk on his face.

"Bruno." He follows in with a yawn, clearly looking forward to going back to sleep.

"Carlo." Carlo has way too much fucking energy. He's usually a ghost in the mornings, I have no idea what is different today.

"Chiara." I say quickly, and Dad's gaze flickers over all of us.

"Okay good, we're all here and alive. When you get on that plane, please sit next to someone you won't cause shit with. We're on that plane for like 4 hours, and I'd like it to be a peaceful 4 hours. Now get on there and be responsible, please." Dad says, lightly pinching his nose. As soon as he finishes his sentence, everyone starts racing into the jet and Carlo pulls me along with him. I'm surprised Gi and Tino can even move that quickly in their state.

Carlo and I end up being the last ones on the plane, which is because the stairs took me a while because they were so fucking steep. But every day I'm continuously reminded of how rich my family is. This is the same jet that I travelled from Australia on, but I think I've partially blocked those couple of days from my memory, so I don't really remember it.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now