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Chiara's POV

"Well from what I saw you guys were really into it." Camila said. It was finally the night of this ball thing Dad organised, and Camila was helping me get ready and do my hair, whilst also quizzing me about Emilio.

"I was really into it, both of the kisses were mind boggling, I'd never had a kiss that feel like that before." I gush, it really was the most amazing thing that has happened to me. It kept on replaying in my head over and over again, I couldn't help but wonder, was he feeling the same way?

"Then why did you say it can't happen again?" She asks, clearly confused.

"He's Carlo's best friend, I can't do that to him." I sigh, and Camila pauses for a little too long with my hair on the curler.

"It's Carlo, he won't care." She says, finally letting go of that piece of hair.

"I don't want to lose my literal other half over a guy." I explain, and she must accept defeat because she doesn't say anything more. She finishes curling my hair, and then brushes it out and sprays stuff in it. To be honest, I hate hair. I think it's the most annoying thing ever, so I've never had any interest in learning how to make it look nice. I can run a straightener through it, but that's about it, hence why Camila is currently doing my hair.

"There we go, you looking fucking sexy Chiara." She exclaims, and I take this time to really look at myself in the mirror. My hair looked really good, it was done in natural waves, which is exactly what I'd asked for. And my makeup, which I'd done myself, was light and natural. Just how I liked it. Maybe Emilio did too? Wait. Stop it.

I put on foundation, bronzer, contour and all that fun stuff that most people would do, but I managed to make it look somewhat natural, so I still looked like me. My nose just looked smaller and I looked pinker than usual, and my freckles were more apparent. I looked pretty, and I felt kind of pretty, I guess? I also felt skinny. I hadn't eaten at all today so I wouldn't look bloated in my dress, that was the only reason though. I'll just eat later tonight, it's fine.

"Dress time!" Camila's squeals, and runs into my closet where both of out dresses were waiting for us. We went dress shopping together a while ago, and it felt weird trying so many fancy dresses on. I can remember being little and driving past all the formal dress shops admiring them, and I never thought I'd be one of the girls shopping in them.

Camila helps me slip onto my dress, and also helps me tape my boobs appropriately so they don't fall out of my dress.

I had chosen a simple emerald green dress with a v neckline and a slit that ends around mid thigh. I'd chosen this one mainly because it was comfortable and had a hidden pocket under neath the dress. So it was functional, but it also looked pretty decent.

There was a fair amount of cleavage on display, but I wasn't worried about that. My boobs were the only part of my body I wasn't extremely self conscious about, so I made the most of it. If my brothers don't like it, then they can shove it were the sun don't shine.

Camila had chosen a red dress with a long slit that goes much higher than mine, and it also had a cowl neckline. The straps of it tied in a bow on her shoulders, and I must admit, she looked very good in it. I'm still trying to figure out what my brother did to score someone like her. She'd straightened her black hair, with it now reaching her waist and had gone with a bolder makeup look compared to me. It's safe to say that red is her colour.

 It's safe to say that red is her colour

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