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tw - mentions of abuse and eating disorders

Chiara's POV

"Ooh, what are you smiling at." Bruno asks, standing at my door with a mischievous look on his face. And then I remember why I don't usually leave my door open when I'm in my room because there's always someone peaking and not minding their own business.

Having brothers is weird, and I've had to adjust to things I never thought I would. They, well at least Carlo and Bruno, have a strange habit of walking into my room, looking in my mirror, flexing, and then leaving. All without saying a word. Sometimes Dad comes in, does a lap of my room, and then leaves. Once again without saying anything. And don't even get me started on the lack of clothing they wear around the house.

"A dog video." I mumble, causing Bruno to narrow his eyes at me. He's not trying to be a dickhead, he just has the need to know everything. Because he loves gossiping. But his phone vibrates in his pocket, and he smiles when he reads the notification, hypocrite.

"What are you smiling at." I say, mocking Bruno's tone. His eyes immediately bounce to me, amusement written all over his face.

"My girlfriend." He responds, slipping his phone back into his pocket with a sight smirk on his face. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, both because he was a girlfriend, and he was probably going to get mad if I said I was smiling at a boy's message.

"The hypocrisy." I scoff, unable to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Then I pause, scared that I accidentally crossed a line. And from the way Bruno narrows his eyes slightly at me I think I might've done exactly that.

"I don't give a rats ass if you're texting a guy, I'm just nosey and like to know everything." He shrugs and turns around to leave. But then he turns back around, looking like he forgot to tell me something.

"I actually came up here to tell you it's time for dinner. But I forgot. So, you need to come down for dinner." With that, Bruno turns around and hurries off after. With a huff, I slide out of bed and throw a pair of slides on before making my way downstairs.

I walk down into the dining room to find almost everyone sitting at the table, and I slide into my now permanent chair between Carlo and Gi. With a quick glance around the table, I quickly realise that we're waiting on Enzo and Rocco, and I've been in my room all day, so I have no clue where they are.

"Where are they?" Gi asks from beside me, fidgeting with the cutlery sitting in front of him. Dad frowns and pulls his phone out from nowhere he's sitting at the end of the table.

"They went to grab something from Target, they should be back now." Dad says, his frown deepening as he starts typing on his phone. Probably sending one of them a message to figure out where they are.

But just as it looks like Dad hits send, Rocco and Enzo stroll into the room in no rush. Dad raises an eyebrow in their direction, as they take their seats across the table from me.

"What took you so long?" Dad says, confusion written all over his face. Rocco and Enzo share a small look, a slight smirk resting on Rocco's face before either of them responds.

"Traffic." Rocco mumbles, grabbing a fork and digging into whatever sitting in his bowl and shoving it into his mouth, very obviously trying to stop himself from laughing. I look into my bowl and find what I think is chicken alfredo. I'm not sure, it looks good, and once again I have a much smaller portion than everyone else sitting at this table.

"Do I want to know?" Dad says, narrowing his eyes slightly at my two brothers. Rocco just shrugs in response, somehow shovelling even more pasta into his mouth. Clearly over Rocco, Dad turns his attention to Enzo, who just shakes his head in response.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now