hey baddies

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hi. some of you will be here as new readers. some of you may of read this a long long time ago when i was a baby writer and wrote this for the shits n gigs. some of you may have started this when i had a mental breakdown and took it all down, to start rewriting it.

well, guess what. i'm having another mental breakdown! as some of you may or may not know, i'm in the midst of my final year at high school. which is extremely stressful. 

when i originally took this book down to start rewriting, i was home sick a lot and had lots of time to write. i can't relate to that state of mind anymore, and being able to update consistently isn't something i can currently do unfortunately.

i've had lots of requests to put the old chaps up to keep everyone entertained, and i've decided that until i'm able to update consistently i'll put the old chapters back up. i'm going to keep the new ones up as well, and just start the old chaps from where i was up to in rewriting if it makes sense. 

now i'm this is in bold, because i'd like to make it very very clear. lots of events in this book are going to change, lots of relationship dynamics are going to change, basically everything is going to change with the rewrite. so please please please please remember that as you read. there also isn't a lot of daddy bernardi and chiara interactions in the old stuff as well. a lot of the characters development changes as well, so don't be alarmed. so enjoy the first 20 whilst you can.

you'll be able to tell when you reach all of the old stuff based off the poor writing style. but i'll be sure to remind you as well. also ignore all the old authors notes, i'm too lazy to delete them. plus it's funny seeing where i was in life when i was writing them, it's kind of like a memory thing. feel free to tell me what you're thinking etc. in those authors notes though!!

that's all for now. i won't be overly active as i try to survive this year. but i am always lurking. i see everything, remember that  💋💋💋💋💋💋

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