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Three Days Later

30th July 2020


I take Y/N's hand and step into the restaurant. Aroma of foods and spice fills the air, dark red carpet and candle light.

"Wow, Just wow. How extravagant, for me," Y/N puts emphasis on extravagant. His mouth slightly open, turning his head around taking in the place.

"Yes. Thought you needed a break from what happened,"

"I did, but you didn't need to go all out like this," I say taking a seat that he pulls out for me.

"Just shut up and enjoy the moment,"

14th November 2021


"It feels like we just skipped a year," I look around becoming conscious of the date.


"Yes," I scroll through photos and see August.

Me and a pair of dark blue eyes and black hair, holding each other in couples selfie pose and him trying to kiss my cheek.

"It feels like this chapter is coming to end,"

"What chapter,"

"This one. This part of life, it's getting long and boring," I sum up, waving my hands around throwing my phone to the side and dragging my hands over my face.

"You must be bored,"

"I am. Tom I am. I'm fucking 18 now, we've had a literal threesome with Tyler, done Molly, done drugs. I have no words. I even convinced you to stop gelling your hair," He looks at me, conscious of his hair. Touching it.

"I- How did we even get here?"

Author's Note;
I as the Author. Don't want to write this anymore.
What do I do with this?
What am I supposed finish this?

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