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25th July 2020

"Michael? Who's that?"

"Tom, can't you work it out?" I ask putting my hands in the air questioning him the obvious. He takes a moment and looks at me.

"Yes, Tom I have a brother. I never told you about him," I say, my hands beginning to shake as I put them over my trembling mouth as the memory and emotion overwhelms me.

I wave my hand in the air looking for somewhere to sit down but find nowhere and my legs give out and I fall on the floor.

"Fuck, what the fuck is wrong with me? What's? What is wrong?" I ask struggling to get up from my legs all of a sudden going weak. I hit myself in the head as I fight back the urge to burst out crying.

Tom finally offers me a hand and I pull myself upholding, tightly onto him, another hand he uses to pull me up.

"C'mon, Y/N you get up," He says softly helping me take a seat on the sofa as I curl up into a ball leaning against the pillows.

My shakey hands run over my face as I try to fight back the urge to cry.

Tom then looks at me with soft, caring eye's as he sits closer to me opening his arms up. I reject the offer by shaking my head.

No, it'll just make me feel like shit and I don't want Tom to see me like this.

Then he pulls me into a hug either way. I feel his warm hands on my back as he pulls me into a loving embrace.

I rest my head on his shoulder and feel everything overwash.

My voice cracks, gripping Tom in my arms, hugging him just as tightly as me and as tears break free, letting everything go.

"I don't know why I'm like this? Sorry, Tom if I'm-"

"It's fine. You need to let it out. C'mon, Y/N there's nothing wrong with you you are perfectly fine,"  My sweet boyfriend tries comforting me.

I continue to cry with his embrace.

All the memories.

All the hate.

All the anger.

All the care.

It's all coming out in one go the conflict inside me causing this.

"I don't know how I feel anymore?" I say through quiet sobs, nestling my head in the crook of his neck.

"It's fine, okay. You're okay. You can talk about it if you wanna," He says opening up the conversation.

I move out of the embrace and Tom quickly hops up and gets me a glass of water.

This seems suspiciously professional.

"Thanks, Tommy but I don't even know where to start after that," I say taking a sip of water looking at Tom.

"Well, tell me exactly what is he genetically to you?." I chuckle at the big words Tom just used.

"Wow, it's not like you to use such big words. But in other words, Micheal is, my Identical Twin,"

"I think that'd be a good place to start," My boyfriend now like a counsellor says to get me to explain the reasoning behind what just happened.

"Really? That's where you want to start?"


Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now