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5th June 2021


"Oh my god! Taylor, why are you here?"

"I just thought I'd visit you,"

"What just randomly?"


"Should I get you a drink or something, there's tons in the kitchens,"

"Kitchens?" She asks completely fazed and aghast, hand on her chest.

"Yup. Kitchens. I haven't even seen them all yet," I nod my head and raise my eyebrows in a complementary face.

"Anyways, so, How are you?" I ask as we walk through the corridor to the main kitchen.

"I'm good. And you?"

"Good too. So-,"

"Okay so have you heard?" She cuts me off, sitting on a chair around the island, while I make myself a glass of water with ice cubes and lemon slices.

"What? Have I heard?"

"You know Tyler?"

I nod my hesitantly head slicing up lemons and limes, "Tyler who?" I ask for confirmation.

"Ashford, he's gay," She blurts out taking a sip of her drink. I roll my eyes drinking the lemon in my glass and chewing on it.

"And he said you two have been together," I choke and turn to the sink and spit out the lemon slice and water so it doesn't dribble out of my nose. He said and was public about that?

"He what?" I ask to confirm again making sure I wasn't hard of hearing as Taylor looks increasing concerned by my sudden pacing around the island in circles.

"In the background of an Instagram live he said something about he you being together for at least 2 years," She explains as we move to the main living room.

"I have the video of the live,"

"C'mon, Show me,"

After I sigh and look out the window, the calm blue sea roll against the empty and clear beach.

"That's true," I state, "It's the only fact out of the whole thing,"

"What was?"

"Taylor. That we were together for about 2 years and that I was into the fact he was American," I sigh and scream into my hands.

"What's so bad about that?"

"Those were the only two facts. Why does my past come back attacking me? All my British fans think I'm fucking insane that I'm into an American and their accent, mannerisms, dialect,"


"Well, I'm just gonna talk to him," She grabs my elbow while I get up, pulling my back down onto the sofa. Getting up she slides open the door to the pool and lets the breeze in.

"Maybe that'll help,"

"You guys talk too much,"

"Where the fuck did you come from?!"

Micheal looks at me then at Taylor.

"The beach,"

"Who let you in?" I ask looking through the boxes he dropped onto the island.

"The door itself,"

"Oh, you-,"

"This story is taking too long, you need to end it," He says as I take out a black box but he grabs it out of my hand and pushes me to the door.

"Go on, see Tyler. You need to sort this out with him," He pushes me through the door and I walk to Tyler's place after shouting, "Why are you rushing?"


"Micheal, can you explain?"

"No, I can't I have no idea where he got this place from. Anyways, moving off of that I assume you're here because of.."

"I thought I'd visit him in person for his birthday I guess," I explain shrugging and taking the massive room, clean flawless cream carpet, high ceiling patterned with art and a centrepiece chandelier.

"I know that was my reaction too, I think this isn't actually his own place but Ethan's. Mmh,"

"I wouldn't be surprised,"

"I feel like we should skip a few days," Micheal says looking bored, turning on the tv.

"How do we skip a few days?"

He rolls his eyes at me and plays Elite on Netflix.

"Do you know where Y/N is?"



Micheal meets my eyes with a murderous face, I look away immediately and stop talking.


"Tyler, did you seriously say that?"

"So what? It happened,"

I sigh and walk away from him holding my arms crossed in emotional defence. Looking out at the peaceful beach just outside his house.

The sand like the grains of our relationship, in our hair never leaving.

"I just wonder why can't we forget each other, it's like I can't remember to forget you," I say going up to him relentlessly rubbing my hands together in stress.

"C'mon Y/N you remember how we broke up at the end of 2018 don't you? It was the beginning of December and I wanted us to get on with our lives,"

"We both wanted to didn't we?"

"Yeah," My eyes sting with hot tears pooling, why am I starting to cry it wasn't that sad.

"And then, it was a cya later. Not a goodbye," I continue the story letting the tears fall. Tyler gently rubs them from my cheeks.

Tears beginning to fill his own eyes.

"And-and, yeah we'd see each other again even if it was in our wildest dreams," I finish the story, and I rest my head on his chest. He places his arms around me pulling me closer.

"I guess it really was in our Wildest Dreams," Tyler's voice soft and humoured by the thought.

"I just think we need to let go of this,"

"We do,"

I look up and meet the blue eyes and sun-kissed skin I fell in love with all those years ago.

5 years ago...

"So this will be a goodbye." Tyler softly speaking so only I could hear.


"One last kiss?"

"One last goodbye kiss,"

We slowly meet our lips together, locking in place like a key and keyhole. A soft, warm shock waves throughout my chest in realisation.

His soft hand on my cheek, Tyler's thumb caressing my cheek, his warm soft lips against mine.

My hand around his waist, his arm around mine.

No space between our chests as they touch.

A silent moment full of emotion.

A few seconds later we both pull away in sync, he lets out a chuckle.

"I guess this is goodbye,"


Walking away from him to the door, seeing his eyes for one last time up close. A smile on his face through the tears.

A smile on my tears for the conclusion of this sub-story. The story within the story. A relationship that should've ended a long time ago.

A warm yet sharp pain ripples through both of us.

Opening the door I look back once more.

"Goodbye, Y/N,"

"Goodbye, Tyler,"

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now