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4th June 2021



"What time is it for you?"

"14:10. Lemme guess it's 21:10 for you,"

"Yeah," I yawn hovering my hand over my mouth. Stretching with my other arm and leaning back.

"Tom, we should stop the call. We've been talking since your time 6," The H/C boy chuckles as he pats down his pants.

"What are you looking for?"

"Oh, just my headphones," He says squinting while I assume he's looking out the window.

"How's it with Ethan?"

"Okay. He's older than I thought he was and he's done a lot of stuff in a few years. Like a lot." I squint taking in this new information. Wait, I thought he was in his mid-20s.

And what could he have done in a few years that half the planet doesn't know about?

"Staying in his place is temporary. He told me I could stay in his passed boyfriend's place. A place in Beverly Hills-"

"Beverly Hills?"

"Yeah, I had the same reaction. Just in complete shock. Like a backstory to an assassin. A family that disowned him just before they started to die of illness and disease. Then a boyfriend who I don't know how he died." He explains looking down away from his phone.

"I- I think we shouldn't talk about it with him knowing. But I'm going to go get some sleep." I begin to wrap up the call.

"Yeah, good. You need to sleep. You have been up since the 2nd,"

"That's not that bad. I've stayed up longer," I say not acknowledging the fact I am physically exhausted but showing him I'm fine.

"Just get some sleep. I have the rest of the day to put up with," Y/N says in dreading tone.

"It won't be that bad,"

"Everyone says that,"

"But it's true,"

He sighs, "Well, I better just get on with it," A comfortable silence sets in with our eye contact.
A peaceful, calm and fulfilling moment.

"I think we should actually end the call now," Y/N breaks the silence.

"Yeah, sure. I guess that's the contact for the day,"

"Yeah, Ethan's bugging me now,"

"okay. So Love you, and cya later," He blows a kiss.

"I love you more, cya later," I repeat the gesture.

He ends the call. And I look around my bedroom.
It's so empty without him.

Anyways not to think about that sad note.

His birthday's coming up in about 8 days.

I should visit him.


"Is this-,"

"Yeah, it is. Close your mouth, a fly'll get in," Ethan confirms and says as I on que close my mouth, my eyes graced with the sight of a palace for a house.

"It's not a house. It doesn't count as a house it's a mansion," I stare at him as he reads my mind, unlocking the door with a key.

"A key?"

"Yeah. And I don't think it'll be the most interesting to tour. You'll find your way around,"

"How many rooms?" I quaintly ask.

"Well, excluding the basement and anything that isn't connected to the main building... 40,"

I choke on air, "I'm sorry what?"

"Yeah, you heard correctly,"

I have no idea what is going to happen next. But definitely something interesting

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now