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August 2nd 2020


My white T-shirt pulled off of me, a pair of hands come up from behind me and touch up my chest.
Tyler grabs my face, locking our eyes.

Fuck. I forgot how hot he looked when he did that.

My pants and underwear pull off like nothing. Tom grabs my ass. "Fuck," I gasp leaning into Tyler, he catches me and puts me in my back and both Tom and Tyler. Kissing up my body.

"You like this, don't you," Tyler whispers into my ear, running his thumb over my nipples, his left arms holding onto me.

Both Tom and Tyler stripped. Naked.


I feel Tom's eyes on me, his hot breath on my pubes and tongue teasing my balls.

"Y/N, What do you want me to do?" Tom asks kindly, smiling as I feel Tylers hard dick rub against me.

"Oh fuck. I want you to suck me off."

"What do you want me to do?" Tyler nibbles my ear lobes, touching himself up. Two boys literally out of magazines having sex with me.

I never thought this would happen.

"Kiss me and put on a show," I quietly ask and Tyler turns my head and hungrily kisses me. Touching his body up, his tanned body, smooth hairless chest. Tom's wet tongue and breath on my now rock hard cock.

Tom lays his lips on my tip, his hands a good grip on my balls.

Tyler breaks the kiss and moans as he starts to stroke his cock.

I never complained when he'd do this. He just loved to show off.

He rubs up his chest pulling and grabbing his nipples slowly stroking his cock.

Tom licks up and takes me all in one go.

"Tom, that's amazing," I gasp not knowing where to look. Tyler's hair is like a birds nest.

Tom's wild curls out.

This is so hot. It turns me on so much.

"Tyler, your moans are amazing." Tyler shuffles over and begins to jerk off Tom as well.

They both moan and I feel Tom's moans vibrate down my dick.

"Oh, fuck yes. The two of you are so hot,"

"You deserve it," They sync and smile at each other. Their lips locks and they kiss hungrily, their tongues attacking against each other for dominance.

They look at me love struck and hot.

"Who do you want in you?" Tom asks, beginning to work my cock again.

"I- I don't know."

Tyler grabs a condom and puts it on Tom, lubing up my hole and his dick.

"Want me?" Tom says seductively, touching himself biting his lips, grabbing his nipple.

Tyler moves to the side and onto the bed again only to the side of me "I want your fingers inside me," Tyler says shoving his ass in the air to my as Tom lubes up my fingers.

Tom starts to align himself with my hole and Tyler leans onto my cock, licking it up like a ice cream.

I begin to push my fingers into Tyler's smooth hole. He starts to moan swirling his tongue around my dick.

Tom begins to push in slowly as I throw my head back in ecstasy.

"Fuck, YEs,"-

I wake up.

What is my problem with having dreams about Tom and other men?

Just as it was getting to the good part too.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now