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8th July 2020

Tom grabs the back of my head with my hair and smashes his lips on to mine. My hand falls onto his face holding his cheek, my finger lacing over his jaw his fingers grace over my wet chest.

I pull him in grabbing him by the neck, the brit boy pushes me onto the cold tile wall of the bathtub dripping water sliding down and off my skin.

We both pull off realising what we're both about to do.

Tom opens his mouth but I nod.

"C'mon let's fuck in a bathtub filled with water," I nastily saying out of my devil's smile and smash lips together, standing up on our knees, our chests touching and rubbing together with our soft but hung cocks touching.

I pull off his lips and rapidly kiss down his neck and over his abs to his large semi-hard cock in the water and close my eyes and plunge in and kiss over it the length as Tom leans back with soft moans propping the tip of his cock out of the water.

I tease the tip with my tongue of his wet cock, he whimpers from the slight touch and I wrap my lips on just the tip and tease the slit of it making him moan delicately.

He props himself out even more and I run my lips down his dick and swirling my tongue around his shaft feeling the engorged veins by excitement on my tongue.

I move up and run my tongue on his frenulum. "Y/N" Tom whispers putting his hands behind his head letting the feeling consume him and moaning more and louder.

Tom starts slowly thrusting into my mouth with ease because of the way he's propped up. I swirl my tongue around him and moan feeling the tip hit the back of my throat.

"-Ah, Shit. That feels good," Tom hicks out of a moan telling me how much he enjoys it.

I continue to suck him off with more focus and tongue movement meeting his eyes I lustfully moan and repeat the action the excited him so much again.

"Fuck, Y/N. Just like that," He moans in a husky moan, I deepthroat him like a pornstar, working my tongue like a whisk.

Tom groans moving his hips in and he jams his eyes shut and I completely take his length.

Tom moans become louder and huskier and faster. "Fuck, Y/N. I feel it coming," He warns but I speed, starting to jerk my self off under the water.

Tom thrusts once more before his hips buckle in my mouth and moans of Ecstasy echo out his mouth, his loud coating the back of my mouth.

I swallow it and lies in the tub looking at my hard, hard-on.

"C'mon you suck me like a pornstar. Let me help is the least I could do," Tom commands gently caressing my balls and touching my shaft up sending tingles up me.

I prop my dick out the water and let him place his lips on my tip and then take it all in one go.

"Tommy," I moan placing my hands on the sides of the tub.

I'm already so close after seeing Tom.

He deepthroats me moaning making my dick vibrate."Fuck, Tommy, I'm so close already." I warn squeezing my eyes shut.

"Fuck. Fuck," I moan as my hips buckle and I dump my load into his throat and slop out his mouth into the water.

I catch my breath from Ecstacy sinking into the tub with Tom. Letting the rush of pleasure calm me.

"Now, How do we get out?" Tom asks looking to the side at the wet floors covered in puddles completely glossing over the carpet piece.

"Tom. Just relax and calm down," I advise him and he nods his head. Letting his breathing go back to normal as I watch his chest rise up and down slowly.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now