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8th June 2020

Tom and I enter the Elevator to get to where ever the hell we'll be staying while he shoots Uncharted.

Tom looks at me through the mirror smiling suggestively, winking. I know what that look means. I smile back, blushing freely and profusely.

The lift reaches our floor and its doors open. We turn around walking out to exit it. As I walk out with Tom I moan, but quickly cover my mouth with my hand, as he grabs my butt and rubs it tightly.

I look at Tom with a stern expression, "Where in public?!" I whisper-shout at Tom speeding up my pace.

"Babe, it isn't my fault it's so hard to not touch it," Tom remarks with puppy eyes, matching my walking pace.

We reach the room I step aside to let Tom through first, "You first," I demand to Tom while he makes a sad face but I make a fucking do it face.

Tom looks at me surprised and suggestively like he enjoys seeing me all commanding. Why don't I play into this and see where it goes.

I follow behind him catching a glance at his bubble butt.

He sits down on one of the beds and lies there looking at the blank ceiling taking it in.

"Finally, I can relax," He sighs out.

I look at the room noting that our bags are already there, Tom's extensive suitcase and my minuscule backpack.

I drop down onto the bed next to him, checking out his jawline.

"Yeah, "relax"," I say suggesting other things, moving my hand to his face, sticking out my finger running it over Tom's sharp jaw-line.

"A jaw so sharp it can chisel and cut diamonds," I compliment in awe of doing things I thought I never would. I continue running it down his jaw feeling how firm it is.

Tom turns his head and looks at me," Your so perfect, like the entire museum," He attempts to flirt with me.

"I don't like museums,"

"Okay, then your perfection is indescribable," Tom flirts with me as we move our heads closer together.

"Search up the definition of perfection, it'll show a picture of you," I sweetly flirt with him as he moves his closer to mine.

I move my head away bowing it down as a thought attacks my head, "You know. What would happen if people found out about us?" I question sadly and dully, sitting up, holding my legs together resting my head on my knees.

"Y/N, Y/N. They won't we- I'll- We can keep us a secret for however long you want," Tom insists after struggling to say the right thing.

"Okay, just I want us to be together for-for-,"

"Forever," Tom finishes lifting my head up so I can meet his eyes.

I meet his eyes and lose control.

I jump up to his meet his lips smashing into them. Tom puts his hands around my face and neck keeping me up to his lips.

He responds hastily lifting me up so we're both standing on the bed. He drops a hand down from my face to my hip. I grind into him moving my hands to his hips and butt.

Tom leads me off the bed breaking the kiss to get down safely, he picks me up by my hips pulling me to his him. I wrap my legs around him as he holds me by my butt.

Controlling the kiss I tickle his lips with my tongue asking for entrance, he lets my tongue through. Letting me assert dominance.

He pushes me against the wall, making me put my legs down onto the floor.

Tom grabs my arms by the wrists and holds them above me. I pull my tongue out his mouth and bite his bottom lip, breaking the kiss.

We quickly and heavily breathe, desperately trying to catch our breaths.

"You know... Our Love is kinda Dangerous don't you think?" I say taking a dominant tone through heavy breaths.

"I don't think it's that Dangerous,"

"It just sounds Hot," I growl in a tone I never heard of, jumping off the wall pulling my arms out Tom's grips and grabbing his arms by the wrists, pinning them against the wall.

He looks at me shocked and smiling goofily at the movement.

"So it's Dangerous Love?"

"Dangerous Love sounds hot," I say in the best teenage top tone, looking into his eyes lustfully.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now