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Another Time Jump


28th May 2021

Everything flashed by like a bunch of colours. Life flashing by.

A new year.

Already almost 6 months in.

Me and Tom are still together.

I want a summer with him. A perfect one.

But asking for perfect is too much.

Anyways, off of that topic.

Looking around taking in a deep breath of the city air of Central London.

Turning around I look at Tom and Tyler who both walk together towards me on the river bank.

They both look like models walking up to me to pick me up and make out with me.

But anyways.

"What are we going to be doing today?" I ask grabbing and holding Tom's hand, rubbing my thumb over it.

Starting to walk by the river bank. A comfortable silence sets in.

"I've got an idea but I don't think it's good for right now," Tyler starts softly, his skin glowing in the sun.

I look up at him and make eye contact,"What would that be?"

"I guess we could go to the London eye. I've only gone round in it once," He quietly suggests, breaking eye contact.

"Yeah, that's something that needs planning,"

"We could just hop on a train and go to the science museum," Tom says smiling slyly.

"Wait, you booked the tickets?"

"I swear it's free,"

"Yeah, Tyler for fast track entry," I say with joy rising in my voice and face.

"Then let's go to the train station. It's right around here. Here," Tom steps down a street and we end up at Tower Hamlets Station.

"Well, that wasn't as far as I was expecting," Tyler comments as we enter the station, scanning our cards on the way in.

"Well, they're everywhere in London. And I'm surprised you didn't know we were close to a station," I make a strong side eye to the blue eyed boy as I jump and little myself at the sound of the train screeching whilst stopping.

"You're not used to the sound?" Tom asks boarding the train.

"I am, just don't like it. At least it's not the central line," I sigh in relief and stand near a pole adjusting my mask.


"C'mon Tom, let's go to my favourite areas,"

"Y/N, they're all your favourite. So slow down you have all day," Tyler grabs me so I don't trip.



I can't help but think Tyler is the sweetest eye candy ever. Literally as well.

No one wonder Y/N liked him.

"Hey, let's take a picture near the old Washing machine from the 50s," Y/N exclaims joyously, posing near the machine as if he were putting clothes in it.

Me and Tyler pose near it acting as if were trying to understand the rusted setting.


Y/N gets up and knocks into Tyler, toppling him into me and I catch him, his ass grinding into my groin and my arms around his chest.

His chest feels nice, like a models. And his ass.

Y/N's is definitely better but what would it be like to have a threesome-.


My phone vibrates in my pocket.

Tyler gets off of me after I let go and brushes himself making eye contact with me, a blush riding to his face. 

Y/N dragging us to next exhibition like a happy puppy.


Okay. That just happened.

I felt Tom Holland's crotch.

"Hey, Tommy! Come on let's go to the anatomy exhibition,"



I laugh in joy. Tom really knows how to treat me to a fun day.

I love him more than when I had a crush on him.

"There," Tyler takes a picture of me and Tom next to the human side dissection.

"I'm hungry. Lol.," I start laughing, tears begin to pool in my eyes from joy. I pull Tom close to me start kissing his face with light and gentle pecks all over it.

I pull Tyler down and peck him on the cheek too.

Both of them blushing messes.

"I like this confident side of Y/N. I haven't seen him for a while. Let's get something to eat," He compliments and agrees.

"Should we just get chips or something," Me a Tyler suggest in sync.

"Yeah," Tom agrees blushing along with Tyler.

I really made the two of them flustered.

I think to myself as we exit with about 100 photos  taken on my phone alone.

AN: so err. I think I should start to make the story reach its final climax. And yes it's polygamous for bow bit it'll be monogamous by the end. No worries.

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