354 9 0

5th January 2017


My bag drops by the chair as I sit on the chairs in the safeguarding room trying to calm my erratic breathing.

The Year 8 there as well doing their homework before the next lesson looks at me confused.

I cover my face stopping tears from falling and I catch my breath.

"Y/N, let's go in Yasmin's office to chat in private?"

I quietly and go into Yasmin's office I sit down on the over cushioned chair to the side of the room.

I drop down my bag and slowly sit down. Taking my blazer off, my breath shakes as tears threaten to fall blurring my vision.

"I'm-I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," I say finally letting the hot tears fall down my face.

"It's okay I told you could come up here whenever you needed too," She says calmly.

"So-So today I-I guess you would've heard about what happened," I struggle to say through my stuttering clearing the tears off my face.

She sighs, "Yes, I have. You and your brother had an argument and he decided to get physical," She sums up.

I nod, placing my hand on my head from the headache I now have.

"Why? I don't even know anymore what I did to him," I almost whisper out in a hoarse voice from my throat being dry after that panic attack.

"Like he was so nice to me-," I cut myself as I start to choke laughing and crying.

"Ah, fuck I'm a mess,"

"What happened to change your relationship with him?" She enquiries.

"I guess Michael changed at the start of this year. When I guess he moved away from me as a friend... Must seem weird since I was the pushed him to make friends-," I explain looking out the window to the place we always hung out.

"Well, you aren't the same people as you were at the end of year 9..."

I sigh and contemplate what to do after he literally got physical.

"... And identical twins don't stick like glue. You are two completely different people." She explains trying to be supportive.

Time skip

I sit out the room during lunch on my phone checking Wattpad cause I'm bored.

I lift my head Up, hearing the door slowly open to see someone wearing a belt and their shirt tucked in well.

Tyler makes eye contact with my eyes. His eyes are such a nice colour of blue.

He even keeps his shirt tucked so well.

He looks so good.

"Hey, Y/N," Tyler greeting me with a small wave and walk towards me sitting on the seat next to me.

"Hey, Tyler how did you find me?" I ask in honesty. He didn't see the argument, did he?

"Oh, I asked Yasmin cause I saw you hanging out with he. She told me you might be in the safeguarding and I guess the vague directions I found it," He explains as I deeply listen to his voice.

He pays so much attention to me. No one's ever done that. He's so sweet.

Why is his American accent so hot to me? It's American.

I almost admire his face, his thin yet full brows, smooth, clear skin.
It even has that taken care of look to it. A smooth glow.

"There's no one here," I say from the setting of the room. Moving myself closer to him.

"Is that good or bad?"

"Good, means it's quiet here," I shuffle closer together till our shoulders are touching.

"You didn't come to Chemistry. And I heard about what happened wanna talk about it?" Tyler asks in a light and caring tone turning to see me.

"Wonderful, it's spread around this school like drama, for fucks sake. It would be nice to tell you about it but I just want to break away from it," I say in a tired breath, turning my head to look at his.

I meet his eyes and sigh. They're so mesmerising.

"He looked similar to you are you related to him?"

"Yes, He's my identical twin,"

I rest my head as a wave of tiredness washes over me.

"Your shoulders really... Comfortable... Tyler,"
I fall asleep on Tyler in his embrace.

I haven't been at peace like this in years.

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