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I grab him, pulling him flat into my chest. I let go of the heated kiss and his eye's wide. A devil's smile makes its way onto my face.

"You look adorable right now," I compliment making enticing eyes, taking a look over Tom's face. His brown eyes looking over me with lust yet innocence. His mouth slightly parted, paced breaths escaping.

I push him down onto the bed from the almost standing position we were in taking a look down him. I ruffle up my hair and put my arms near his sides like a plank. I slowly kiss him up even though his shirt is still on.

I reach his neck.

Tom is looking straight up still dazed but expecting me to do something. I slowly graze his neck with my teeth. Tom quivers and makes a sharp moan from the sensation.

I lick down his neck till I reach his collar and start to pull up his shirt, sliding my hands over his biceps and shoulders.

Pulling off his shirt and off of his head, messing his hair up, I take it in my left hand.

I kiss down his neck and clavicle, down his nipples that are hard like bullets. I graze my tongue over it.

I grab his arms by his sides and hold them down.

Tom submits, "I-I wan-"

"Shh... You gonna get your fun just wait," I hush asserting him as the submissive.

I slowly start to kiss down to be a tease but I let my tongue touch his chest and run down it each time a sweet moan escaping him.

This is so hot.

"Tommy, you know you're so much hotter being a sub," I compliment feeling down his waist with my pointer finger in fast smooth motions.

"You like me being this?" He quietly says as I throw the shirt to the side changing my mind about what to do with it.

"Yeah, Listen to every word I say closely. And do everything I say, got that?" I say looking up to his eyes grinning like a devil.

Tom hastily nods.

I take this as an opportunity to take his pants and underwear off, setting his practically spring-loaded dick free.

I tease his balls with a light touch as I pull his pants down to his ankles.

Seeing the way his dick twitched," You're excited to be the bottom, aren't you? Guess you're lucky it isn't my dick that wants action." I explain getting on my knees to take off my shirt.

Then I throw his pants off to the side and taking a good look at his steel hard-on.

I can't wait to fucking jump on it.

I take my shirt off, Tom innocently looks at me biting his lips. I smile and run my hand down my smooth, defined chest locking his eyes with mine.

I reach my pants and place my hand around my hard-on clenching it. I begin softly running my hand over it, making myself harder.

I slip my thumb into the seam of my pants and pull it down just enough to see my legs and underwear.

I slip my hand in my underwear and move up my cock looking to the side and at him.

"Get the lube," I command and Tom quickly follows like a desperate puppy.

I take this as an opportunity to take off my pants and underwear letting my cock out.

I see Tom lay back down with his dick getting slightly softer but I get closer to him and take the lube and drizzle it over his cock like lemon drizzle.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now