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9th June 2020

Tom's strong warm arms, warm my naked body and his warm, chocolaty eyes go over my face with a warm, loving smile.

"Morning love," Tom warm and deep morning voice wakes me with a warm loving smile, his shimmering eyes meeting mine and going over my face.

I sigh in content, a big, wide smile, "Mornin' Tommy," My deep morning voice, as he tightens his arms around me.

I feel his heartbeat speed up, "I-I Liked last night a lot," Tom shyly confesses, looking away from me.

I chuckle, remembering last night and that I was the top. I liked it too.

"I loved last night," I express in awe, looking at his blush covered face. "Why'd you look so embarrassed? I thought you liked it?" I add, slightly worried getting up and propping myself up.

Leaning against the headboard, missing the warmth of his arms. "Nothing just I liked it a lot and I like giving it as well. So I don't really know?" Tom nervously confesses, looking towards his phone.

"Tom, You know there's such thing as a switch," He shoots me a confused look, then picks up his phone.

"You like switching up roles, It's the most fun on in my opinion. It ain't ever the same." Smiling knowing that Tom's a switch. Oh, the things We can do now.

Tom sees me licking my lips thinking of all the dirty things we could do.

"So I guess you like it that I am,"

"Yeah. I fucking do. I fucking love it. The things we could do now," A devilish smile graces my face. Tom picks up his phone and I roll my eyes, I look under the duvet.

We are both naked. "We are both naked," I say randomly, noticing mine and Tom's.

I ignore the degrading thought that enters my head and I put the duvet back over us. I pick up my own phone and-.

"WHaT ThE FuCk?!"


"Wha-. How-. Whe-. What?" Struggling for words I show him the number of notifications, and that there are a lot from the cast.

"Oh you got a lot of notifications, get used to it," Tom Attempts at calming me but unsurprisingly fails.

"No, the cast. THE CaSt! Look at the amount of texts from the cast. LOOK!" I shove my phone in his face. Tom's face dulls dragging his eyes over them.

"Have you read them?" He questions almost emotionlessly looking at me with dull and pained eyes.

I gaze over the messages;








They go on and on. Well, that's the group chat. Damn, I never they'd swear at me so much. Wait what?


"Yeah. I- I know,"

"What- How-... What do we do?" Asking the obvious I file through the options in my head, getting out the bed and remembering I'm fully naked.

"I don't know. Can we get ready for the day first?" Tom suggests trying to not stress with the Internet Backlash.

I sigh and look around for my clothes. Clean clothes.

"Yeah, it'll help us actually think," I say grabbing clean clothes out my bag and seeing Tom place them on the bed grabbing a towel and walking into the bathroom. I follow on and see him staring a the large bathtub.

Seriously? Why the fuck not?

"Why the fuck not? Not like we could be fucking cancelled?" I pettily remark walking to the tub and turning on the water.

"Hey, Hey, Y/N calm down, You need to calm down. It only happened like 40 minutes ago not that many people could have seen it," Tom calms my childish anger. And places his hands on my shoulder's starting to massage them.

Oh... Oh, My-. When did Tom know how to deal with my unpredictable emotions so well.
Why does him rubbing my shoulder blades and Deltoids feel so good?

"How are you know?" He asks knowing that he's working on me.

I nod my head, and open up my eyes again, "I'm sorry for being so petty. I guess I just don't want you to get any backlash for dating me," I apologise and Tom lets go of my shoulders and starts to get into the bathtub.

I follow and get in as well, "Wow, we both actually fit," Expressing the awe that we actually fit in the same tub. Most of the time when people do this it doesn't work but it works with us. Nice.

Yay. I can have a tub date. A date with me and Tom naked in the bathtub. I get to see him naked.

He stops the water running and sticks his head underwater and then bring it back up all wet. That was weird.

I copy him but look at his soft cock. Damn, it looks so much better as a massive hard thing. A full 8-inches. Damn, that's tast-.

Stop before you get hard in a bathtub.

"You really like seeing me naked," Tom cockily remarks, smiling seeing my wet hair.

"Yeah. Course I do. I mean especially with such a tasty member, it's better then eye candy," I flirt meeting his hot, chocolate eyes.

"So, what we gonna do?"

"About the things? Well, you could get your team on it. I don't need a team. I run myself," I act all smug and move my hair back.

"Yeah. But I guess we have to keep it a secret," He says resting his head on mine. My forehead meets his and we meet eyes.

"What are we doing?" Asking with voice trickling with worry and sadness. Pushing his head back and Tom pushes back keeping me where I am.

"We're dating. Boyfriends. Lovers. The obvious," States in an obvious manner as if I should know this.

"Yeah but what are we doing? Like gonna do?"

"I gu-. We gotta stay secret for a while," Tom affirmatively states.

I close my eyes and rub my nose against Tom's nose, he responds instantly, taking in the moment breathing in sync.


"So what are we gonna do? Like what?"

Pulling down my shirt Tom asks that. I got exactly what.

"Why not confuse the Internet? Create a diversion. Everyone will believe something from the verified account," I suggest.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now