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1st June 2021


My hands run over his chest roaming and touching the smooth lustrous skin. My chest was warm, heat rushing over to my face.

It's nice to have Tom like this.

I graze my fingers over Tom's nipples, rubbing them. Our breathing in sync as I moan into Tom's ear.

"Fuck, Tom I should bind fold you more often," I moan into his ear, nibbling it as the blindfolded boy grows harder, a smile erupting on his face.

"Y/N... Touch me. Kiss me. I want your hands all over me," He desperately demands, the South Kensington accent kissing my ears.

Giving in to the demands, grazing my lips all over his jawline, trailing down to his sweet spot.

I haven't bitten here in while.

Loving it with tender kisses, right before I open my mouth up to suck at the spot. Surprising Tom as he releases a sharp moan, grabbing my hands that lay around his neck.

The sound only encourages me to go do it again, harder. My teeth slightly digging into his skin, my wet tongue licking the space. Tasting him.

"Y/N! Fuck, I want you So, so, so bad!"

I stop listening to Tom's rapid breathing. His desperate beg. My mind clouding with a fog of desire. Need.

"But I wanted to take it teasingly slow," I whisper into his ear, my free hand slipping down to his pubes. My fingers rubbing his balls.


"You are the birthday boy, so I guess I'll be nice," I give in m, licking my lips. Placing gentle kisses down to his nipple. I graze it with my tongue teasingly, soft noises of pleasure escaping his lips. My lust reaching a catatonic high.

Suddenly, stopping and licking all down his chest. Feeling his taut abs. My hot breath warming his skin.

Tom reaches to my head, gently knotting his fingers in my hair. My tongue reaches his pubes.
"If you pull my hair. Tommy, trust in my word I'll stop," I warn, seeing whether Tom has the self-control to not pull at my hair.

"Y-Yes, Y/N," I smile and blush at Ton becoming a sudden bottom. A devilish smile. I breathe in and moan muffled onto his balls.

"Tom, you have such a nice cock. I know it tastes amazing," I growl out and lick up his shaft sending tingles and shocks of pleasure through his body as he digs his legs into the sheets.

"Y/N, keep going. I wanna feel all of you," He moans out as I lick the tip like an ice lolly.

"You wanna feel all of me? Well, you're gonna get some of me," My lips close around his hard, steel-like erection. Swirling around it with my tongue.

"Ahh, yeah. Please, take it," The submissive and most probably breedable Tom begs resisting the burning urge to thrust his hips.

My mouth slowly takes his whole cock whole, my hand, sliding under his leg massaging his butt. I taste a savoury, salty liquid in my mouth as he produces pre cum.

"Mmmh," I moan into him sending vibrations using the deepest tones in my voice. My other hand slips to his taint. My thumb presses against it.

The brunette's shaft enlarges on my tongue, I hear a constant breath of ecstasy from Tom's lips.

"Tom you taste amazing," I say out before I take him a deep throat. Tom hiccups and I work his taint, massaging it.

"Oh, I'm getting closer," My boyfriend moans out throwing his head back, the blindfold tight around his eyes. Grabbing the sheets resisting the urge to pull my hair and keep me down.

I work his cock, his sweet moans filling the room, my moans vibrating down his shaft.

I love this feeling.

"Cum when you want," I give permission. Craving his sweet, sending peak that makes me feel... A hot and indescribable feeling.

"I'm so close,"

"Cum for me. Only for me,"

As if ob command he orgasms into my mouth, his legs wrapping around my waist. His hot moans fill the room and I stay still taking all his load.
His fingers twitching. The pulses with each shot into my mouth. 

Calming from his orgasm, I swallow his entire load.

I get up and kiss up his chest to his. I kiss him on the lips, slowly feeling Tom kiss back. Enjoying the sweet touch.

"I think it's time to take the blindfold off of you," I say as I take the blindfold off and make eye contact, smiling like the happiest I'd ever been.

"You are the best, Y/N," Tom smiles in an unexplainable ecstasy, rubbing our noses together. I collapse beside him, looking over all the features on his face.

"You are the best, too Tom,"

We breathe in and out slowly taking in the peace and happiness in the air.

This is such a perfect moment.

Later that day


Finally. Finally.

It's time. I get on this runway. I know everything I need. Have the walk. All the walks and the face.

Why am I talking to myself like this?

Where's Y/N and Tom?

My phone vibrates beside me with a text, a photo from Y/N.

Y/N taking the selfie with Tom awkwardly in the background. They both look like they're going on the red carpet.

"Tyler, your 2nd,"

I breathe in mentally for this moment.


"Tom, you have not seen Tyler's walk. Honestly, it's so much better than a normal model," I fanboy over Tyler's model walk. Tom rolls his eyes.

"Seriously, what makes him different from every other model?" Tom remarks looking out the traverse stage. As a model, I recognise Wyatt Engeman walks across.

Fuck, he gives off straight vibes.

"Just watch Tom," I say as Tyler walks out from the left.

The music drops right as he starts to walk. A fresh sway in his hips. His posture is on point. A strong model's face. Emotionless and strong. Shooting eye contact with us as he starts to walk in a more powerful stance his arms swinging.

Reaching the end he shoots three poses timed with the music and blows a kiss to the audience. Strutting back to the right. I turn to Tom.

His face agape like a fish. "I told you so," I grin and look back to the stage.

After the show

"You were incredible, Tyler," I compliment stuffing my face with food and smiling from the joy of the perfect day today.

Oh, I still have to tell Tom.

"Yeah, I agree," Tom agrees doing the same. Tyler shrugs and takes a bite slowly chewing.

"Think I could've done better,"

"Tyler doesn't let the perfectionist get the better of you," I remark in support of him.

"Have you told him?"

Tyler asks as my boyfriend stops eating as the silence takes the room in.

"Told me what?"

I sigh and look at Tom. "I was planning on telling you later tonight. But might as well now. I am going to California, I was called out there by Ethan," I explain slowly.

Tom takes a moment then shrugs.

"That's fine. As long as you'll stay in touch. Like call every day," He chuckles at the end.

"Oh I will, Tom," Smiling in joy at how easily he took the news.

This was really a perfect day, wasn't it?

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now