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10th June 2020

"Fuck, Tommy Faster..." Ecstasy filled moans escape my mouth feeling him Jerk me off mercilessly fast.

Tom's hands run over my body, my eyes shut just feeling him.

Tom picks up the pace and starts moaning into my ear.

"I'm so cl-close Tommy," I moan feeling it start to rise. Hearing him moan is so hot. It turns me on so much.


13 Minutes Earlier

I wake up and pick up a note, written in Tom's handwriting. I check the time. I guess Tom is gone for the day. I really need to ask him what the hell am I doing here or how did I get here? Like for what reason.

I finally read the note. He wrote me a note when he could send a text. Adorable.

Y/N, filming started. When I get back I'll tell you what you're going to do here. Because you're not just sitting around. And Harrison told me to tell you that he wanted to hang out with you. I'll just give you his number, *************

See ya, XoXo

My cheeks are gonna start hurting from smiling soon. My face wears a large smile at the note.

He even wrote 'XoXo'. Like C'mon how cute can he get.

Anyways so Harrison wants to hang out with me. I guess I'll get ready then.

I enter the bathroom and feel my morning wood throb.

Yesterday was so hot, I touch my balls and the base of my dick. I close the door and put my towel on the bathroom floor.

I lay flat on my towel and start playing with my balls and stroke upwards.

I close my eyes and grip my hard cock, imaging Tom's tight grip on my dick, slowly starting to jerk me off.

Tom moans into my ears.

I have such a moaning kink.

He starts to speed up and look straight into my eyes, jerking me off mercilessly fast.

I already feel pre-cum on the tip of my cock. I am so horny today.

I start moaning his name quietly feeling him jerk me off mercilessly fast.

This feels so good.

"Fuck, Tommy Faster..." Ecstasy filled moans escape my mouth feeling him Jerk me off mercilessly fast.

Tom's hands run over my body, my eyes shut just feeling him.

Tom picks up the pace and starts moaning into my ear.

"I'm so cl-close Tommy," I moan feeling it start to rise. Hearing him moan is so hot. It turns me on so much.

"I'm-..." I get cut off by convulsive moans, my legs tensing and my load shoot onto my chest.

I clean the cum off my chest and open my eyes, exiting the fantasy.

I really need to get in the shower now.


I see a blonde head of hair sitting in a Chair at a Cafe. Bitch, Why is a Café open? Especially in Europe, Germany. I roll my eyes and take a seat.

"Hi," I plainly greet taking his attention away from his phone.


"What do you wanna do? Dragging me out here?" I question sassily, looking at him. Tom must've fucked him. Or at least been fucked.

"I don't know. I just thought I ought to get to know you? Mystery Boy?" Harrison replies normally, looking around and meeting my eyes.

Oooo, he's got nice blue eyes.

"I'm Y/N, but you already know that," He nods looking away checking his phone.

"Bitch, you're not even 18. How are you here?" He whispers leaning in. I look at him as if he just did the stupidest thing.

"No need for the dramatics. I'll explain once I get to know you better. But first of all. How did Tom get me here? I didn't even audition for a role?" I push trying to pry for an answer.

"Well, he told Sony what a great actor you are and you impressed them,"

"But what am I actually doing here? Like Acting, background etc."

"Tom told me not to tell you," Smugly says showing his phone. He really just searched me up.

"So you're movie releases next year May 2021 May. Delayed because of Covid. With one of the most all over the place casts. From Beyoncé to Judi Dench. What an interesting cast. Yet the first trailer releases this month on the 23rd according to Tom. Anything else?" He takes his phone back reading facts about my off. Out-loud.

"Yeah, I know. And you don't think the casts' Fandoms will do the job of keeping hype?" I say like its common knowledge.


"Well, I guess I have to go," Harrison adds after a notification on his phone.

I nod watching him go off. I get up and head back too.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now