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31st May 2021


Tanned skin graces my eyes. A deep breath and I remember what happened last night. Oh, wow. Fuck. That was amazing, like incredible.

A recognisable, delicate thumb circles my elbow and moving my head slightly I see a smiling face.

Blue eyes grace the face, looking into my E/C eyes. I couldn't help but smile.

"Y/N..." His accent warms my ears and makes me snuggle up to him. I take in the aroma that sits with us. Cum. Sex. We smell like cum and sex.

"Tyler..." I respond listening to his heartbeat. Feeling a foreign form of safety I only felt years ago. Such a strange feeling.

"We should get up. It's warm and nice but we smell like cum and sex," The American whispers only loud enough for me to hear. I nod and he slips under from me but I feel the strong arm of someone I recognise as well.

"Tom's arm is too hard to get up from. I wanna make breakfast," I whisper to Tyler. He looks at me grabbing a towel and a pair of clothes. He furrows his brows in confusion. And thinks.

"You could just you know gently get up," I listen and try to slide from under his strong arm. Tom's hair, a big mess and face shoved into the pillow. He looks adorable.

The British boy grumbles and tries to pull me back but I manage to get out. I softly touch his hair. I leave a kiss on his forehead.

"Aww. Now let's get ready,"

I blush and roll my eyes. "Yeah. I need to do my whole morning routine," I say as we both get to the bathroom and Tyler waves hopping in the shower closing the shower sliding door.

Starting to brush my teeth, "I can still see you," J say through the minty cold foam in my mouth.

"I know," He, brushing his teeth, picks out the stuff he'll use to get the cum out of his hair.

Starting the water, I spit put the foam and rinse out my mouth with mouthwash. Washing my hands I prep my cleanser and skincare.

Finishing my skincare, Tyler finished off his shower. I leave the bathroom and take out my clothes for the day. Nothing much. A T-shirt and a pair of loose pants.

I head to the Kitchen and check the time.

Woah. 7:25 AM.

The sun is really waking me up early.

Taking out all the ingredients need for the pancakes, I decide on Vanilla cake-like pancakes. But light and fluffy without being unhealthy. A recipe I made myself from scratch so many years ago.

Whisking the eggs till they have so much air I feel confident in tipping the bowl over my head and nothing falling.

Mixing them into the Vanilla smelling batter without pushing all the air out.

"Hey, Y/N. Smells amazing. I know what it is," I check the time 7:36. I made this in ten minutes. Record timing.

"Yeah, Tyler just what we ate that August," I sigh happily remembering the days. I now miss Tom's arms around my waist. His kisses on my neck. His warm presence.

I flip it off the pan seeing it cooked perfectly.

The calm silence graces us only for Tom to walk in naked and with a bedhead of hair.

"Morning, Tommy," I greet peppily seeing half of the mix already cooked.

"Morning, love," Tom responds and a calming safety warms my chest. He walks over and wraps his arm around my waist and kisses up my neck.

"I love you, Darling," He says muffled and nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"I love you, my Tommy," I respond getting plates, serving up the pancakes and stacking them tall. Throwing on some berries.

I set them on the table and sit down ready to stuff my face with them.

"Oh. I forgot how good these taste," Tyler says and Tom enjoying the flavour as well. Making moaning sounds.

I eat my pancakes as well enjoying the slow morning that today was.

Ringing interrupts the piece and I recognise my ring tone for Ethan.

I sigh and go back to my bedroom and pick up the phone.

"Hey, Y/N," I hear Ethan's British American accent. One I haven't heard since March.

"Hey, Ethan," I nonchalantly reply sitting on the bed.

"It's been a while. And I have news, lots of news,"

"Well then. I guess there's no time like the present,"

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now