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7th June 2021


Looking out to the ocean, where the sun puppets an arrangement of dancing angels across a calm deep blue background.

The salty air blows out leaving a constant flavour of savour in my mouth every time I smiled at the screen, displaying the conversations of pure joy.

July 13th 2017

Read the date.

The day before me a Tyler had run off to California. We were packing stuff like we were moving there.

What a time.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you okay?" I hear Tom ask me, placing his hand on my shoulder and pulling me out of my daydream.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm okay,"

"Whose messages are you reading back?" Tom asks, getting on his knees so he can make better eye contact with me, taking a glance at my phone.

"Tyler's?" He asks tentatively, holding soft and caring eye contact. Gently placed his hand on my making me put down my phone.

I nod quietly, looking down at him, tears beginning to flow making my eyes teary. I blink letting one fall, I feel Tom's soft thumb on my cheek wiping it before it rolls down and stains like the memories after this with Tyler.

"You can do it. You know. Delete the messages,"

"Is it really the best thing to do?" I ask holding his hand tightly, "I mean don't you remember what it was like to be with him?" I question further, leaning down to him.

"Yeah, I do. Like a Hollywood fever dream. So I guess don't, bit really it's just your choice," Tom takes my hands softly pulling me up and out of my seat, gracefully swooping me past the sheer fabric at the door, It blowing past my face brushing up Tom's slightly tanned arm.

He spins me around, I see the smile on his face blur as he pulls me into a warm and comforting embrace nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

A humid, cool, ocean breeze whistles softly, like music to our ears as he slowing sways from side to side. Nothing but our quiet breathing could be heard.

"This is perfect," We both say in a calm and fulfilled tone in sync, smiling and chuckling after.

Three hours later


"Oh, Tom you seriously did not have to remind me of that,"

"But it's funny,"

Suddenly, someone drops a bag on the floor breaking the warm and loving atmosphere that had built in the hours after. Someone's hasty footsteps from the door to the balcony living room.

"Why have you guys gone so quiet?"

We both sigh and look down the corridor, recognising the voice as Ethan's.

"Ethan, it's you,"

"Yeah," He comes towards his hair in a volumed side part, wearing dark eyeliner, pulling our hands, out of the pastel-coloured room, to the harshly painted halls of white and art. Trimming of ivory and gold.

"Where are you taking us?" Tom asks in a tired voice, I let out a chuckle as he knows not of what Ethan can be like on a day-to-day basis.

"You're in California now, you need to try something," Me and Tom furrow our brows in confusion, breaking into large smiles, forming the synced movement.

We begin laughing our way up the gold railing up the spiral stairs to the upper floor, the big, clean, glossy steps,

Ethan hearing us smiles too.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now