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Time Jump

August 18th 2020


Moving on from what happened the last 16 days.

Tyler is back in London. More specifically West London. Micheal is still an annoying child.

I sit down on the sofa, throw my head and weight back and look up to the ceiling.

"I want the future to come faster."

"You do know not to wish your time away." Micheal calmly says sitting next to me, looking at me with genuine eyes.

"Stop sounding like your that lady from the safeguarding." I look away. Where's Tom when I need him.

"Yes. I'm not trying to sound like her but seriously, what could happen in the time. All the good. All the bad." Micheal tried to enlighten me with positivity. I just roll my eyes and curl up into a ball.

"Leave me be. You know that I just want that perfect July 19th night." I look him in his eyes, pulling my legs tightly to me.

"I'm sorry."

"How could you be sorry? You know you did it on purpose," I start massaging my legs in anxiety remembering the night of the 19th of July.

"But I am."

"How? I literally picked you up out of a police station in Kensington. And the very night of the 18th of August picked your drunk ass up and put you to bed. You Were 14!" I emphasise and almost shout.

"Yes! I was 14 so what?!" I look at him questioning his sanity. Looking around for something to throw at him.

"So what? You couldn't have given me one night of peace without you being a complete jerk, dragging some more idiots with you," I get up and start to walk away. My head hung, fighting my tears.

"Y/N. I am sorry and traumatised by that. I did because I was scared and everyone told me to stay away from you."

I cough and the tears break free. Hugging myself I turn around, feeling the hot tears roll down my face.

"You did all that. Because People. Told. You. To. Stay. Away. From. Me?" He mods his head and I look away in shame and distrust.

"I gave half of my life to you. My idiotic twin. And you tell me this now?" His jaw drops and I look to him, make eye contact and start talking with my response.

"Don't talk to me till next Summer. Don't you dare. Live off of my money sure. But shut the fuck up and think about what kind of brother you are. Now, leave me."

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now