567 11 0

19th July 2020



"I just said it. The stories you wrote a film ready and I have willing producers to pay for it," I hear Ethan's Mixed British-American Accent tell me.

I roll my eyes, This fucking boy is too enthusiastic about making my writing come to life," But You didn't, Fucking consult with me," I say in frustration not knowing who the hell is gonna pay for it, even if I agree.

"Yeah, I didn't it's easier to mingle with fucking rich 60 and 70-year-old, oldies without a phresh out the runway actor awkwardly walking around,"

"It was in Person?! And sweet words won't convince me," I remark in shock, I ain't that easy.

I can tell Ethan just rolled his eyes, "Yes, it was in person it was Covid Safe-"

"Bullshit, no gathering is Covid Safe,"

"It was, we did tests and temperature checks and it was on an island," This rings through my ears and I kiss my teeth.

"Rich people," My eye's roll looking around seeing Tom enter the room. I wave hi at him and he does so back.

"But yes you can get it produced," He calmly tells me.

"It has a name,"

"A shit one," I gasp hearing that.

"How Dare You. You try and think of a name. And it is not bad it is perfect for it Class 15, 15 Chapters, 15 Episodes. 15 is the perfect name for it," I defend the name well, as Tom looks at me like, what?.

"Okay, it makes sense but it sounds like a high-school Drama doesn't it?" Ethan the American jokes and I sarcastically laugh.

"It's set in Year 6 the Final year of primary school and some fucking how now all of a sudden you want to direct it and already have produces for it? Like how long has it been?" I explain, trying to remember when I sent this to him.

"Not that long if I'm being honest," He sighs out.

I sigh as well.

"Well, if you want to get it produced... Bitch Better Have My Money,"

I hear a tiny celebratory, yes, from the other call end.

"Yes, I will and I will make sure it's fair,"

"We will agree on the terms in person in the coming weeks. I already have my T's and C's agreed in the six-movie contract with you their gonna be quite similar, just a heads up," I tell ahead of the to be determined date.

"Yes, I'll do as much of the talking as I can,"

"Clearly, cause you're the extrovert here," I sarcastically genuinely compliment.

"Okay, SEE YA THEN."

"See ya," I respond with half his enthusiasm ending the call.

I sigh sitting next to my boyfriend letting out my breath as he just stares at me in awe.

"What?" I question putting my hands in the air.

"Nothing, I just never knew my boyfriend is already making Financial Decisions," Tom compliments rubbing my arm.

"Well, according to the Government I am Capable of making financial decisions from the age of 16 because I'm considered an adult but don't pay taxes unless I'm earning more than 23k a month or am over the age of 18, makes no sense but I don't care," I explain in one go and Tom inclines his head to the side like a puppy.

"Why don't you care?" He enquires, meeting with my eye's.

"Cause, it lets me fuck you," Suddenly slips out seductively. I pull his shirt pulling him into me.

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